Thursday Aug 17, 2017
EquityFeed Scanner - A Must Try for Active Traders
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
As far as trading in the stock market is concerned, some sort of scanner is required if you want any chance at finding worthwhile trade set-ups to make money on. Is there a holy grail to scanners? Of course not. With that being said, EquityFeed is a scanner that I fully believe should at least be TRIED. There really are no excuses - they give you a free two week trial which requires zero credit card information. If you consider yourself a day trader or swing trader, then this is a tool that should be given a try without doubt.
EquityFeed 2 Week Free Trial - https://www.equityfeed.com/register.jsp
30% off first month, use coupon code claytrader
50% off first month, contact me for coupon code
Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
ClayTrader Mail: A Windowless Van on Social Media...
Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
Remember what your parents told you about regarding strangers as a young child? That same exact advice should be applied to the world of the stock market and social media. Thanks to this exchange I had with a "windowless van" stranger, it illustrates precisely how dangerous this can be for not only your understanding of the markets, but also your hard earned money.
The $1 Penny Stock Short Scam - https://claytrader.com/videos/1-penny-stock-short-scam/
Friday Aug 11, 2017
A Real Estate Investing Eviction Tour
Friday Aug 11, 2017
Friday Aug 11, 2017
Investing into real estate has many advantages and bring spots for sure; however, there are definitely some ugly spots to it too. In some cases, evictions need to happen and that can leave an investment property a bit beat up. Let me take you through a house I recently had to take back and give you a tour of the aftermath.
Interested in My Upcoming Real Estate Course? Go HERE to be kept up to date - http://moneywithclay.com/
Thursday Aug 10, 2017
Sleazy Marketing Tactics Exposed
Thursday Aug 10, 2017
Thursday Aug 10, 2017
While this was certainly flattering to see, it still does not take away from the fact that the marketing gimmick was quite sleazy and shady. When you are doing research online, be sure what is being "shown" is actually the case... as you will see here, the name 'ClayTrader' is being used for something I have zero affiliation with. Just imagine, if these people are willing to use such deceit in public, how shady are things getting behind the scenes? Be very aware of your surroundings when you are searching the vast sea of information we call the internet.
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
ClayTrader Mail: A NASTY Recipe of Words.
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
I've covered all of these concepts before individually; however, this is the first time they've all shown up at once. Each concept is extremely important to understand if you want to properly learn how to trade and have success in the stock market, but when you combine them all as you'll see here... that is recipe that is going to taste... well... NASTY!
Friday Aug 04, 2017
TGI Friday's Endless Apps and Dunkirk Movie Review
Friday Aug 04, 2017
Friday Aug 04, 2017
Thanks to the freedom of working from home and being your own boss, Nate and I decided to have another "Friday Fun Day". We headed to TGI Fridays to give their Endless Apps promotion a try (and offer up a review on it). After lunch, we headed to see the highly acclaimed movie, Dunkirk. Did we agree with the critics? We offer up some thoughts afterwards. Join me and my buddies for a random day of fun.
Thursday Aug 03, 2017
Review: Stash Phone App for Investing
Thursday Aug 03, 2017
Thursday Aug 03, 2017
A phone app for investing and saving seems to be catching more and more momentum, so I wanted to review it given the increasing number of requests. When it comes to the stock market, there are many different paths you can take, and depending on what path you want to pursue, the Stash app may be just the tool you need.
Review: Robinhood Trading App - https://claytrader.com/blog/broker-review-robinhood-trading-app/
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
ClayTrader Mail: Head in Sand? Can't Improve.
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
There is absolutely nothing wrong with "being new" in the stock market. We all start out as not knowing anything. The problem arises when you allow your own mind to hinder you from growing and improving as a trader. How can this occur? This communication from my website illustrates exactly that. Putting you head into the sand and then allowing assumptions to run wild is not an efficient way to improve as a trader, or in life in general.
The ClayTrader Curse Explained - https://claytrader.com/videos/claytrader-curse-explained/
Friday Jul 28, 2017
My Real Estate Investing Strategy and a Pay Day
Friday Jul 28, 2017
Friday Jul 28, 2017
I am a huge believer in diversifying your income streams. One way I diversify within my personal finances outside of the stock market is via real estate. When done right, real estate investing can be a great source of passive income. I explain my personal investment strategy and also take you along to "get paid" from one of my investment properties via land contract.
Thursday Jul 27, 2017
Why ClayTrader Mail Series? Here's Why!
Thursday Jul 27, 2017
Thursday Jul 27, 2017
I've had several people comment that my ClayTrader Mail series is unnecessary, a waste of time, and/or getting too old and repetitive. I'd fully disagree with it being a waste of time, but as far as the other two points are concerned, I can understand why they are commenting. Sure, the overarching themes in many of the videos can ultimately be very similar; however, with the email I cover in this video, it does a perfect job of justifying just how important it is to ensure we as traders remain self aware and proactive against the voices in our heads and the emotions we feel as traders.
ClayTrader Mail Playlist - https://claytrader.com/blogs/claytrader-mail/
All Wins are NOT Created Equal - https://claytrader.com/videos/all-wins-are-not-created-equal/