Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
ClayTrader Mail: So Many Things WRONG!
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
I truly do wish this person all the best, but wow… their whole game plan and strategy for the future has so many holes in it. I hope this person watches the videos as I give my thoughts and for you as the viewer, there are lots of things to be learned. Whether it is faulty mindsets or misconceptions on how the markets “actually” work, there is a variety for everyone.
Saturday Mar 03, 2018
Trading Tech: Trading On The Mesh... Network
Saturday Mar 03, 2018
Saturday Mar 03, 2018
You are looking to get into trading and want to make sure you have the best connection to the internet from your computer as possible. Should you be hardwired or wireless? What kind of Wireless Router Should you have? What about Mesh Networks. Let me help you decide what is best for you situation.
Google Wifi: http://amzn.to/2oFrdup
8 Port Switch: http://amzn.to/2FFmHE3
Hard Wired: http://amzn.to/2CPRZFe
Big Box Special: http://amzn.to/2F2RIVp
Friday Mar 02, 2018
How I Lost $5,000 in Only 2 Trades
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Losing is part of trading. It is a cost of doing business. With that being said, there are times where a loss should never have happened… and that’s what I had happen to me in the month of February.. twice! Admitting you’ve lost money and then talking about it is not pleasant; however, I want to call myself out and hopefully in the process of doing that, offer up some “ouch wisdom” that you can learn from. It is much cheaper to learn from someone else losing money, so yeah… learn from me!!!
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Who Are You Listening To?
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
I realize that the vast majority of people can see right through the faulty statements made in the example I use for this video; however, that brings up the main point I want to make. If people will put up statements as silly and non-sensical as the one you’ll see in the video, just imagine how much information is out there that is false, but in much more “hidden ways”. The sad fact is, I can guarantee you there were at least a couple new traders who believed this person’s statement, so my question to you is, who are you listening to and what are you believing?
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Too Much Money in a Trade?
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Yes, it is a very fine line in regards to “how much am I comfortable putting into a trade/investment?”, but as you are about to see, there is also a point where to the outside observer it becomes very clear that too much money has been invested. If you are in a position, whether that be for a trade or investment, and you are finding yourself doing/thinking some of the things this person is, take it as a sign that you are risking more money than you’re actually willing to lose.
Friday Feb 23, 2018
He’s Gonna Be a Millionaire Someday.
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Anyone can become a millionaire. The problem is, way too many people want it to happen overnight. For you younger viewers, please realize that you are in a great position – all you need is a plan and patience. To illustrate this in a real life sense, I sat down with Caleb (a 21 year old) and discussed with him what he is doing and plans on continuing to do to turn himself into a millionaire someday. I’m not kidding, anyone can do it… but you must start!!!
My Course, Grow Rich - https://claytrader.com/courses/grow-rich/
This Freaks Me Out! I Want Control. – https://claytrader.com/videos/freaks-want-control/
Thursday Feb 22, 2018
The Scary Part of the Internet
Thursday Feb 22, 2018
Thursday Feb 22, 2018
The interaction I had with this “online personality” becomes more and more scary as I think about it. To know how this person was acting and portraying themselves publicly to then having them admit the truth to be “behind the scenes” creates the perfect example of how the randomness of the internet can be such a death trap for most new traders. All I’m going to say is you better approach the internet with a skeptical and scared attitude, it’s a scary place for sure.
Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
My Direction? DO NOT Trade.
Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
First off, I wish this person in my example all the best. I hope their life improves and the situations can all lead to greener pastures. With that being said, if you find yourself in a situation similar to this, or even with only a few of the areas, then seriously… DO NOT trade. You are setting yourself up for failure and a world of hurt. I understand that sometimes “trading” may seem like a great way to fix a situation, but yeah.. most times, that is not the case.
Friday Feb 16, 2018
This Freaks Me Out! I Want Control.
Friday Feb 16, 2018
Friday Feb 16, 2018
I wanted to try something new by combining some current events/headlines with a “fireside” chat. I honestly thought the headline was fake at first, but upon reading the article, it is definitely real and provides a perfect example of why I prefer to keep my funds in my own hands. Given this day-and-age of technology, there really is no excuse on why you can’t take full control of your future and retirement.
Pensions and Endowments Gambled on Market Calm, Then Everything Changed - https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/pensions-and-endowments-gambled-on-market-calm-then-everything-changed/ar-BBJ8FEk?ocid=ob-fb-enus-894
My Course, Grow Rich - https://claytrader.com/courses/grow-rich/
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Be Careful of This Logic
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
This is the video that is extremely important, yet, if I had to lay down a wager, it probably won’t get many views. I’ll then go onto see people continue to use the logic that I talk about. For those of you who actually do take the time to watch this video, I guarantee you that you will be putting yourself on the pathway to a much better chance at success. How do you view wins and loses? The vast majority of traders have a completely false viewpoint on this topic and it drives me insane.