Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
When you are a beginner trader and just getting started in the stock market, one of the most common questions is "what platform and/or app should I use?" As a new trader, if you are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of choices and tools out there, it's okay, you're not alone! I've been helping teach people how to trade since 2013 and I can tell you with full confidence many other new traders are feeling like you. Given there are so many stock trading tools, platforms and apps available, it'd make sense that there are many different pricing options. I thought it would be interesting to take an expensive technical chart provider and compare (in real time) vs. an online platform that is free to use. One of the most important tools you should use as a day trader (or swing trader) is technical charts. These will help you make logical decisions when trading stocks online and trying to make money. With that being the case, let's take a look at how two extremely different price structures match up against each other in performance!
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Stock Market Battle: Day Trading vs. Investing (who wins?)
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
What is the best way to make money online using the stock market? Is it by using a "day trading" strategy or by becoming an "investor"? The better question to ask is "what is the difference"? between the two. Sure, a day trader will only hold onto a stock for a very small amount of time; however, as I will show you in the video, there is another major difference between each strategy. In fact, this difference is something many new traders who are just getting started do not realize and it can cause some problems within their trading results. Whether we are a day trader or an investor, we want (and need) our strategies to operate at maximum efficiency and when you are not understanding what you should be, problems can arise. Let's take a look at a comparison between day trading and investing and then focus on how each strategy "should" and "should not" behave.
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Trading 101: What Makes A Stock Price Change?
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
For those of you who are brand new to the stock market and just getting started as a beginner in trading and investing, this is a common question I get. Sure, you may understand what the stock market is from a general context, but getting more details you may be wondering, what 'actually' makes a stock's price move? Yes, a stock will move up and down in value as time passes, but what is causing this to happen. Who determines the value of a price and why does it move? As a beginner trader and investor, these are the concepts you will need to fully understand if you want to make money and be successful in the stock market. Let's take a very simplistic approach to this question so you can have a full understanding of just how the stock market works in regards to the stocks themselves moving up and down in value.
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Best Way to Make Money Online? The Stock Market... (I'll Explain!)
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
What is the best way to make money online? If you are looking for side hustle ideas or ways to make money online to replace a full time job's income, then you have many choices available to you. From dropshipping to managing other people's social media accounts, there is an abundance of opportunity to make money online and work from home. One strategy to make money online I believe you should consider is using the stock market. The stock market allows you a variety of opportunities to make money online and work from home; however, there is one huge difference from all the other online money making strategies. This difference truly separates it from all else and puts you in a very "peace of mind" place. I believe in building multiple streams of income for yourself, so while I'm not saying you shouldn't consider the other strategies, the stock market is a "must use" for the reasons I discuss in this video.
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
The Best Strategy for New Traders
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
It is very normal for new traders to get overwhelmed by all the information available on the internet and in books. What actually is the best strategy to use when you are just getting started in the stock market and want to learn? I've been coaching traders since 2013 and through this time I've seen many of the most common mistakes pop up time and time again. Because of this and a newer area of the financial markets, I now recommend a strategy that truly makes the most sense for a new trader. This strategy will allow you to completely avoid the dreaded pattern day trader rule (PDT) and will allow you to risk only minimal amounts of money. Assuming you want to learn how to trade properly and not just "get rich quick", then let me show you a strategy that I would highly recommend you use when you are getting started and want to learn how to trade in a consistent and profitable way.
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Day Traders Make Society Better! Here's How. (Stock Trading 101)
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Day trading stocks is a great way to make money online and create a stream of income for yourself. With that being said, does a day trader actually offer anything to society? Is becoming a day trader beneficial or harmful for the overall economy? According to some, day traders offer no value to society and simply act as a leech to other people's hard work. To the people who believe such things.... with all due respect, they are 100% wrong in their opinion. The truth of the matter is that by becoming a day trader you are contributing quite a bit to society and making life better for everyone, especially sweet little grandmas. What do I mean? Let me show you exactly how day traders contribute to society and make it better as a whole.
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
The #1 Technical Stock Trading Indicator That Matters Most
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
How To Trade Stocks Risk Free (Use This Trading Strategy!)
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
This is not clickbait! While I totally understand it may sound too good to be true, trading stocks risk free is a strategy that does exist! Whether you are trading stocks or investing into stocks, the topic of "risk" is something that should be at the forefront of any strategy. Those who focus on managing risk are those who have long lasting success in the stock market. Instead of talking about trading stocks without risk from a "theory" standpoint, I use some real life results that illustrate exactly how this strategy can be implemented in the real world of investing. Thanks for $TSLA stock and the insane move it has been experiencing, many people have had a unique opportunity to put themselves in a zero risk situation. How is this possible and how can you do it? Let me show you the tools you'll need and the thought process you'll need to use.