Thursday Jun 25, 2020
The (Honest) Secret to Making Money Day Trading Stocks [With Proof]
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Day trading stocks is a great way to make money and if you have any experience on social media or the internet, then you've seen plenty of "secrets" being revealed. The problem with these secrets to making money from the stock market is they're all based in "excitement" and "glamour". If you want the honest secret to having success as a day trader and making money trading stocks, you'll have to accept the fact that the key skill you must have is very anticlimactic. My goal with this video is not to sit here and lecture you about this skill you must learn, but rather, I want to teach you through some real life trading results that happened to me. This way you can learn with real results rather than someone throwing theory at you. I can make you one promise and my promise is this: if you learn how to overcome the challenge I show you and develop the required skill, you will be giving yourself a real opportunity to have long lasting success as a day trader in the stock market!
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
All Rich People Are Really Good at This 1 Thing
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Striving to build wealth and turn yourself rich is an admirable goal and something that everyone can do. If you want to become rich, you need to do what other rich people have done... hopefully that is common sense. In my studies of the rich and wealthy, I've constantly seen the same "thing" over and over again. While I can't say it is rocket science of some stroke of genius, I can say that given today's society and many of the problems it facts, most people are NOT doing this. I want to show you a way to begin to shift the mindset you have towards the world. I want to show you what I have done which has helped me tremendously in building wealth and taking control of my time and money. It's amazing how when you change your viewpoint on any area of life towards the positive, you just seem to all of a sudden "get lucky". What is this thing that all rich people are really good at and how can you begin to do it in your daily life? Let me show you...
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Robinhood Trader Commits Suicide [Learning Lessons for Beginners]
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Ambition is awesome and without a doubt required to have success in the world of the stock market and trading stocks online. Ambition is what drives innovation and has the power of changing someone's entire situation for the better, whether that be in the stock market or any other area of life and wealth building. With all that being said, ambition has a darker side that can take shape in some very tragic and sad ways. I am all for ambition and for people getting out there and "taking control" of their life through goals and aspirations; however, ambition must be understood and balanced in order for the desired outcomes, especially in the stock market where real money can be lost. A newly released headline tells a sad story of a younger person who was acting out of ambition within the stock market, but, got way too far ahead of themselves leading to a worse case scenario outcome. Let's walk through some of the lessons we can learn from this and how to be as wise as possible when it comes to being ambitious and navigating the awesome (but potentially dangerous) world of stock trading.
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
My Trading Desk and Computer Explained (What I Use as a Day Trader)
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
One of the most common questions I get from people just getting started in the stock market is in regards to the types of tools I am using. In order to help guide you as a beginner day trader, I want to walk you through my trading desk and computer with an explanation of what I personally use as a day trader. Are these day trading tools all required in order to make money online? Absolutely not. A big part of the day trading tools you will use to trade has to do with personal preference and what you feel most comfortable with
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Day Trading Psychology: 2 Common Mistakes [and how to avoid...]
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
If you are a beginner in the world of day trading, you must learn just how important psychology is to having success. While you absolutely need to learn how to use day trading tools such as technical charts and Level 2's, there is more that is needed in order to have consistent success in making money online. The human mind can be a crazy place when your hard earned money is at risk, so learning to understand your own psychology is a requirement for success. I've been working with beginner day traders since 2013 and there are two common mistakes I see over and over again when it comes to that person's psychology. I have been day trading stocks online for over 10 years now, and I still struggle with these mind games that arise. Over the years I've learned how to identify these two common psychology mistakes, but more importantly, I've learned how to avoid them. The first step to becoming a profitable online day trader is to be self aware of your psychology. By doing this, you will give yourself the opportunity to fix any problems that may cause you problems.
Monday Jun 08, 2020
How I Know When to Buy a Stock (Trading Strategy Tips)
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
If you want to make money in the stock market, you need a quality trading strategy. A huge part of the trading strategy is knowing when you should buy the stock. Buying a stock at the wrong time quickly puts your chances of making money on the trade in doubt. When it comes to beginner stock traders and those just getting started, they sometimes over-complicate the strategy and I want to provide a couple basic tips to help make this more clear. The tricky part about knowing when to buy a stock is that it goes against how our brains are wired. This is why so many new traders struggle with this idea and end up losing money with their stocks they buy. If you want to learn how to be a successful trader, you need to learn how to fight off the mental traps your brain will set for you. Let me show you what I mean.
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
$25,000 in 1 Month Day Trading Stocks: My 5 Observations...
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Trading Computer | My Day Trading Monitor Setup Explained [How To Guide]
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
For day traders, being able to use your trading strategy as efficiently as possible can make a big difference in your online money making goals. A large part of being able to day trade effectively is the trading computer you use, but more specifically, the monitors you have in place to track the varying pieces of information that are always flying around. I've been helping and guiding beginner traders since 2013 and one of the most common problems I see is people not setting up their trading computer monitors the best way. I want to offer you a guide on how to set up your trading monitors in not only the best way possible to make you money, but even more so, try to make it as cost effective as possible. The more money you can save with your trading computer setup, the more money you can use to invest into learning and fund your trading account. Be sure to use this step-by-step guide when you are ready to add multiple monitors to your day trading computer.
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
What Matters Most to Stock Traders? (A "Must Use" Tool)
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
When you are a beginner to day trading stocks online, it is very easy to become overwhelmed at all the information that is available to you. You are not alone with this feeling. If you want to learn how to become a consistent and profitable stock day trader, you need to understand what matters most. In this video I will walk you through what I consider to be a "must use" tool that all stock day traders should use. The good news is that when you learn how to use this tool the right way, it can very quickly simplify all the noise and distractions you will encounter as a trader. Making money with stocks is all about being focused on the information that matters most and the tool you will learn about in this video will do exactly that.
Friday May 29, 2020
This Day Trading Stock Indicator is a Game Changer (here's how it works...)
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Whether you are a new trader who is a beginner to the stock market and day trading or a day trader with experience, there is one indicator that is a "game changer" when it comes to the results it will give you. If you want to learn how to be a successful day trader and make money online, you need to learn that day trading is all about placing as many odds in your favor. The more odds you have in your favor, the higher the chances are you will make money on the stock. One indicator that needs to be used will help you begin to see more consistent results within your trading. If you are struggling as a day trader to make money online, let me show you how this indicator works so you can begin putting the odds more in your favor and giving yourself a better chance to make money with the stocks you trade.