Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
A Quick Stock Trading Trick to Make You More Money (1 word...)
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
It can be very tempting as a beginner stock trader who is just getting started in the stock market and day trading to try and over-complicate a trading strategy. Sure, you want to treat the stock market and skill of day trading with respect, so you need to learn how to trade stocks the right way to make money; however, at time, keeping a trading strategy simple is the best way. I want to show you a quick stock trading trick that I have learned over the years to make me more money. In fact, it's so simple of a trick that it is only a single word. When you implement broad rules of thumbs like what I show you in this video, you'll be amazed at how much of a difference it can make in your trading results. In many cases, it will not lead you to making more money, but it can prevent you from losing money which is just as (if not more) important than making money. Let's do some learning about how to make your trading strategy better and more consistent with a single word.
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Short Selling For Beginners (Terms and Definitions Guide)
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
If you are a beginner to the stock market and just getting started, odds are you have no idea what short selling is or how it works. No problem! You are 100% normal. I respect you though for seeking to learn more about short selling and how it works (and can make you money!). I have done several other videos on short selling and how it works (links are below), but I wanted to do a single video where all the terms and definitions are in one place. My hopes are by putting together this terms and definitions guide that beginners will have a more efficient and faster way of learning about short selling. Whether you are wanting to learn how to day trade or swing trade, one goal all stock market traders should have is this: flexibility. When you learn about short selling and how to short stocks properly, it opens up that many more opportunities to make money. Let's start to learn...
Friday Aug 07, 2020
How Do You Make Money Shorting a Stock (i'll try to explain...)
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
I've done it before, but I want to try to explain "shorting a stock" once again from a different vantage point. If you are a beginner trader and just getting started in the stock market, perhaps you've heard terms such as "shorting", "going short", "being short" and other variations and always wondered what does it mean? Or more accurately, how does shorting make you money? As a warning, the first time you learn about how to make money shorting a stock, it will sound very backwards and bizarre, but it is 100% legit and possible. One of the main goals of any day trader (or swing trader) is to have maximum flexibility and open up as many money making opportunities as possible within the market. When you learn about and understand what shorting is and how you can make money from it, you truly begin to open up that many more money making strategies and systems that can assist you in becoming a consistent and profitable trader. Let me try to explain how this strategy of "shorting" works and most important, how it can add flexibility to you as a trader and allow you to make that much more money in your trading ambitions!
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Watch Me Lose My Mind... (Day Trading Warning for Beginners)
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
The sooner beginners in the world of day trading acknowledge the warning that trading is a massively psychological business, the sooner they will begin to see better results. When I was a new trader and just getting started as a day trader, I truly had no idea just how mental of a challenge making money online is. It's one thing to read books on trading psychology, but in the real world of trading and learning how to trade, "reading" can only add minimal value. If you were able to witness a day trader grow more and more frustrated and see them in a sense, "lose their mind", there would be immense value in it. That's what I want to do with this video. Sure, it's quite embarrassing for me to post publicly my slow mental decline into outright frustration/anger, but for those beginners looking to day trade, it's a prime example of how crazy the human mind can be. Even if you are not a beginner day trader, my mental decline serves up a good reminder of what all day traders need to be on guard against when it comes to the mental challenges that stand in the way of us making consistent money online. Brace yourself, things are about to get a bit bumpy!
Monday Jul 20, 2020
How I Maximize Making Money While Minimizing Risk (Day Trader Strategy)
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Having a day trader strategy that makes sense and actually works is a huge key to finding consistent success in the world of day trading. If you want to learn how to make money online via day trading stocks, you need to first and foremost learn about risk management. Instead of explaining what I mean through "theory", I want to use some real life trading results to explain how I minimize my trade risk while, at the same time, maximizing the amount of money I can make within a trade. For many beginner day traders who are just getting started, they think the most important parts of trading are finding the trade and knowing "when to buy". In all actuality, the most challenging part of trading and the area that will make the post profitable difference is how you manage the trade. Trade management is a big driver in ensuring you are staying profitable in your day trading strategies and growing your account. Let me show you how this all works.
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Make Money Trading Stocks | When's The Best Time To Trade?
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
If you want to make money trading stocks, you need to be sure you are trading them at the right time. What most beginning stock traders are not aware of is the fact that "not all times are created equal". Our main job as stock traders is to obviously make money; however, in order to do that we need to be placing ourselves in the best position possible to make it happen. A huge part of any stock trading strategy is to ensure you are using it during the proper time of day. So when is the best time to trade? When will you have the best opportunity to be consistent and make money? If you want to be a successful stock trader, you need to learn how to trade stocks in the smartest way possible. A great first step in "working smarter and not harder" is via the time you are choosing to trade. Let me show you how it all works.
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
When Should You Short a Stock? (Step #1)
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
If you want to have success as a stock trader and give yourself the best chance at making consistent money online, you need to open up as many opportunities as possible. In order to open up opportunities, you need to operate at maximum flexibility as a stock trader, which means giving yourself the ability to make money when a stock price goes down in value. If you are a beginner to the stock market and trading, this probably sounds like a very strange concept... and all in actuality, it is! But yes, when it comes to the stock market it is totally possible to make money even if a stock is dropping in value! This is known as "going short", "shorting", and any other variation. Knowing this, the next logical question in terms of learning how to short a stock is... well, "when" should you look to short a stock? I want to show you step one in this process of when you should be most interested in shorting a stock so you can make money when the price of that stock goes down. Let me show you what I mean.
Monday Jul 13, 2020
How To Make Money Trading | Stock Trading Platform Setup Guide [2020]
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
If you want to be a successful day trader and make money trading stocks online, you need to be watching the best information possible. Knowledge and learning how to day trade stocks is the most important part of having success; however, when it comes to organizing your knowledge and displaying it to yourself so you can make the best decision possible, this is always a critical part of any strategy. In this video I want to give you a starting point guide of how to setup your trading platform to ensure you are paying attention to the information that matters most to us as day traders. This video will make the most sense if you watch the other videos referred to in the description section, but even if you don't watch them, this video will give you a great idea of how you can setup your trading platform in a very user-friendly way to make you as efficient as possible. Learning how to make money trading is something all beginner and new traders should be looking to do, and this video will assist you in your learning process by showing you what information matters and how to organize that information to get your strategy creation a great start.
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
How I Got Better At Day Trading [HINT: It's All About Context]
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Facing challenges and struggles is normal for those just getting started in the stock market looking to learn day trading. I've been day trading stocks now for well over 10 years and I've learned many valuable lessons along the way, including some simple tricks that can make big difference within your trading strategy (and results). We should always be striving to get better at day trading and I want to show you a little trick that I've implemented into my day trading strategy that has made a massive difference. Context is king within the world of being a day trader and you need to give yourself the opportunity at it. Without context it becomes very difficult to make rational and logical money making decisions within a strategy; however, when you take a breath and allow yourself access to context (which I'll show you in the video), it will truly begin to open up new opportunities within your stock market trading strategy.
Monday Jul 06, 2020
[2020] TD Ameritrade Broker Review | Is The ThinkOrSwim Platform Worth It?
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
TD Ameritrade and their ThinkOrSwim ("TOS") platform is one of the online stock brokers and trading platforms I get asked about most often. In most cases, the people asking about it are just getting started in their trading journey. As a beginner trader it is wise to be asking about the trading tools available and seeking to find the best ones to help you make money in the market. Combing this with the facts that much seems to have changed for TD Ameritrade lately, I wanted to discuss this and give you my thoughts. I will be fully transparent, these are just my thoughts and opinion, so you are more than welcome to disagree; however, as you will see in the video, I do use some actual (former) customer feedback to fortify my opinion. If you are a beginner stock trader and wondering about TD Ameritrade and their ThinkOrSwim platform, let me give you a review on it based from people who have been using the platform to trade and have noticed quite a few changes.