Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Stock Day Traders and Broken Hearts (How to Avoid...)
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
I love being a stock day trader. Being able to make money online from anywhere in the world is a freeing "job" to have. However, in the spirit of being fully transparent and upfront, being a day trader also brings with it some broken hearts... if you allow it to happen. What do I mean? I want to share with you my stock day trading results from the month of August which shows the broken heart I gave myself. How did I get my heart broken? Well, here's a spoiler alert: it was my own fault. But, my focusing on how I got myself a broken heart, we can all learn (or be reminded of) how to avoid this in the first place. If you can avoid a broken heart, you will make that much more money as a day trader and be able to achieve whatever goals you have. As embarrassing as it is, especially given all the experience I have as a day trader, I want to share with you a big mistake that I made which lead to a broken heart and impacted my monthly trading results in a big way. Avoid what I teach in this video and within the big picture of your trading journey, you'll be way further ahead!
Friday Sep 04, 2020
A Great Platform to Get Started Trading Stocks for Only $1.99!
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
If you want to get started trading stocks, you'll need a trading platform to allow you to buy and sell the stocks you want to trade. Beginner day traders more times than not need a budget friendly trading platform to fit their current financial situation, which is totally understandable. When you are new to the stock market and just getting started, you probably will not have tons of money you can spend on various brokers and tools. From a budget perspective, it is wise to seek a broker who gives you quality tools and data for an efficient price. I want to share with you a platform that not only gives you great technical charts, but also Level 2 data for only $1.99 per month. If you want to make profitable decisions as a day trader the two primary tools you need are charts and Level 2's, so to be able to get access to both of these tools for only $1.99 per month is a fantastic deal! At the end of the day, your knowledge of the markets and your particular trading strategy will determine how much money you make; however, having the proper tools that are visually pleasing to your eye will assist in the process. Let me show you a great platform to help you get started trading stocks!
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
This is When I Take My {FINAL} Profits (How to Day Trade Stocks)
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
I state the obvious when I say the goal of the stock market and day trading is to make a profit. With that being said though, the tricky part about day trading and the strategy you use can be in regards to "when" you actually take the profit. There are many strategies and trade management philosophies out there when it comes to a stock day trade, but I wanted to show you a little method I use to know when I should be taking my profits. If you are a beginner day trader and want to know how to day trade stocks the right way, it is the little habits that will add up largely in the big picture. Let me show you the price action dynamics of a stock that I look for when making a day trade that give me a clue as to when I should take my final profits. Trade management is a huge part of long term success as a day trader, so let's make sure you are putting yourself in the best position possible to make money online as a day trader!
Monday Aug 31, 2020
How I Avoid Giving Back My Profits (Day Trading Tips)
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
A huge problem that you want to avoid within your day trading is "giving back" your profits. There is nothing more frustrating or discouraging than to start strong with your day trading and make money; however, then lose the money you had originally made. This is a struggle that all traders experience. Whether you are a beginner day trader who is just getting started or a day trader with years of experience, this hassle exists for everyone. I want to share with you one of the day trading tips I've incorporated into my every day trading which helps me avoid this problem. If you want to learn how to day trade and make money consistently, you need to have a strategy that allows for you to protect the money you've made. Money management is a critical part of any day trading strategy and in this video I'll show you a simple, yet effective, day trading tip that will make money management easier within your overall strategy. Let's do some learning!
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
How to Know if You are a Good Day Trader? (Use this Indicator)
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Have you ever wondered if you are "actually" a good day trader? It is a fantastic and wise question to be asking yourself, but unfortunately, for many new and beginner day traders, they don't know how to properly answer it. While the answer to this question may not be the most obvious and will seem counterproductive, when you focus on this one indicator you'll have a massive insight into just how good of a trader you are. A big step in the process of learning how to day trader stocks online and make money successfully is understanding how to measure your progress and results. By using the indicator I show you in the video, you'll not only be able to measure your progress and results the most important way, but you'll also keep yourself grounded in reality without developing a false sense of confidence. Many beginner day traders fall into certain traps that could be avoided if they had used this indicator, so be sure to keep a close eye on it as you progress through your journey of becoming a good day trader!
Friday Aug 28, 2020
A Simple Trading Strategy for Beginner Day Traders [with proof...]
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
When you are a beginner day trader, keeping a strategy simple is going to give you the best results. One of the common misconceptions I see is beginner day traders who are new and just getting started think they need some kind of massive and elaborate trading strategy. Now yes, you certainly do need a trading that contains rules and requirements in order to make a trade; however, it also does not need to be total rocket science. In this video I want to show you (with actual proof) how you can implement a simple and straight forward trading strategy that will put you in the right spot to build from and gain more money making consistency as a day trader. At times the biggest hurdle to learning how to day trade stocks and make money is realizing that it's the simple strategies that make the biggest difference, so let me show you exactly what I mean with some real life trading results of mine.
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
I Thought This Was Obvious... Maybe Not? (Day Trading for Beginners)
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
I've been around since 2013 helping people learn how to trade and make money online; however, apparently as a teacher I still have much to learn myself. I recently received a comment on YouTube that implied a fact I thought was obvious, but maybe it isn't? Not only did a person leave the comment, but then several people "liked" the comment... showing me I apparently need to cover this topic for beginners to the world of day trading. When you are new to the stock market and just getting started, you need to have a proper expectation of how the markets actually behave and how your trading strategies need to be developed. If you are focused on the wrong areas of the market, when it comes to learning how to trade the right way and build consistent trade strategies, the headaches will be abundant. As obvious as I thought this topic was, I guess it isn't, so let me set up some expectations for you as to what our job is as day traders and those who are looking to make money online from the financial markets.
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
I get this common question all the time from beginners who are wanting to know "how to get started" with trading the financial markets. Should these new traders get started with stocks? What about options or Forex? Maybe the beginner trader is wondering about cryptocurrency or futures. What should you learn how to trade first? That's a very wise question to be asking and something that I hope all beginner traders are considering. The tricky thing with the question is while it is totally logical and wise, it's actually not right. What do I mean? Let me show you what you should first learn about as a trader. Whether you are wanting to be a day trader, swing trader, or investor, there is one area of the market that you first need to focus on. By focusing on this area of the market you will expand your horizons and flexibility in regards to your money making opportunities as a trader. What do I mean? Let me show you the one question you need to be able to answer and the tool that you can use in order to help you answer it. Know how to answer this question and you can then move into trading whatever financial asset you'd like.
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
This is When I Love Buying Stocks (day trading for beginners)
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
When you are a beginner and day trading stocks, one of the most important steps of a money making strategy is "when you buy". If you buy a stock and the wrong time, the odds of you making money, while not impossible, dramatically decline. In this video I want to share with you when I love buying stocks and how it can help you learn how to make more money with your stocks. Day trading for beginners is an extremely difficult skill to obtain and produce consistency with, but when you focus on the little things, they can begin to add up in big ways. My method for buying stocks is nothing complicated or fancy, but when you do it the right way you will be putting the odds in your favor over the long term. No strategy is perfect, but there are choices you can make as a day trader that assist your trading strategy in being more consistence and profitable. Consider buying stocks when I love to buy them and see what kind of results you achieve.
Friday Aug 21, 2020
The Science Behind Why Day Traders Fail... (Dunning-Kruger Effect)
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Let's talk some science. Not just any old science, but literally award winning science in the field of psychology and human behavior. I have been guiding and helping traders since 2013 and I've seen some very common traits pop up time and time again. Until now, I've never really had an exact explanation of why beginner traders who are just getting started behave the way they do, but... now I do! I want to share with you what is known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect. When you understand even just the broad idea of the effect, you can quickly see how it explains why so many day traders fail. The stock market and being a day trader is already hard enough; however, when you introduce in this award winning psychology, you can see why it becomes that much more difficult leading day trader to ultimately fail. I realize that these kinds of videos can come across as "being a hater" or "being negative", but please watch this will full self awareness and an open mind. Per the research, if you are honest with yourself, you will probably begin to understand why and how this psychology is affecting your trading. Let's learn not with opinions, but some award winning science.