Friday Nov 13, 2020
My Favorite ETF I Use for My Investing Strategy (How to Start)
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
If you want to build wealth and make money over long periods of time, you need to have a quality investing strategy. In this video I will show you a very easy way in how to start investing by using my favorite ETF that I use. When you understand how this ETF is built and the different companies that are involved, you will quickly see why this is one of my favorite ETF's I use for my personal investing. Whether you are a beginner investor looking to to learn how to start or someone with experience, but wanting some more investment ideas, I hope you consider adding this ETF to your long term investing portfolios. Diversification is a smart strategy and when you bring this ETF into your stock portfolio, you are giving yourself that much better of a chance to make more money as an investor in the stock market. Let's get to it!
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
How to Practice Day Trading With Real Money (Start Smart!)
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
I want to show you how to practice day trading with real money! A huge part of becoming a successful day trader and making money consistently is practice. I know that sounds like an obvious statement; however, I've been guiding day traders since 2013 and I can say with full confidence that most beginner day traders have no idea how to start smart when it comes to practicing. Learning how to day trade stocks in a simulator or demo account does have value, but when you transition to real money, being a day trader is much more challenging. When real money enters into the picture, your emotions will come alive and begin playing multiple mind games with you. Because of these, you need to be smart in how you get started day trading with your hard earned money and that's what I will show you in this video, with some real life proof and a live demonstration. Let's get to it!
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Day Trading Tips: How to Maximize Your Strategy (and results!)
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
A top priority for any day trader should be to maximize your strategy and in return, maximize your results. If you want to learn how to day trade with the right method and strategy, you need to ensure that you are constantly leveraging as many odds in your favor as possible. A very straight-forward way to accomplish this goal is by maximizing your results. I want to share with you a day trading tip that I believe can help in this regard and give you the advantage you'll need for long lasting success as a day trader. Any day trader can randomly make money online every now and then, but if you want to make consistent money online from your day trading strategy, then you'll need to focus on a couple critical skills, one of them being maximization! Let me show you how to do this within your trading strategy!
Friday Nov 06, 2020
What Does Short Selling a Stock Look Like? | Shorting Explained
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
If you have never "shorted a stock", then you have yet to experience a very bizarre feeling compared to what you are used to seeing. As beginner day traders who use the traditional trading strategy of "going long" (buying a stock and then selling the stock when the price moves higher), when you "go short" it basically crossed the wires in your brain and all seems so backwards and odd. In order to help you avoid this problem as efficiently as possible, I want to show you what shorting a stock looks like. I want you to see how your profit and loss will behave relative to the price of the stock itself, which again, is totally weird and takes some getting use to. If you are looking to learn how to short stocks and make money when the stock market goes down, then use this video to help program your brain to what you'll need to get used to seeing. Let's get to it!
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
How To Fix Your Day Trading Problems [Quick and Easy Strategy]
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
If you are even remotely close to being a beginner day trader who is just getting started day trading the stock market, the odds are extremely high that you are having some problems and struggles. That does not mean you are dumb or not working hard enough, it simply means you are normal. I want to share with you a quick and easy strategy you can use to help fix the problems and struggles you are experiencing. Let me be very upfront though, I do not mean "easy" in the sense of you will just start making money online overnight, I mean "easy" in the sense of reducing the feelings of being overwhelmed and bringing quick clarity to your understanding of day trading and the stock market. If you are someone who is willing to work hard and enjoys the challenge of being a day trader, then this strategy I talk about can (and will) make a huge difference in your personal day trading results.
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
How to Quickly Grow Your Trading Account Right Now...
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Fair warning. If you are looking for some magical and mystical way to quickly grow your trading account right now, you will not find it in this video. If you are open minded though and want a very legitimate way to grow your trading account, then hear me out on this money making strategy. I do not mean to state the obvious, but you can not be a trader and trade online without having money in your trading account. To add to this, the more money you have in your account, the easier it is to make more money. This is why using money making strategies to grow your account quickly are so worthwhile and important. If you are looking to learn how to trade the markets and create a successful and consistent strategy, but of that process is having money to use, so let me show you a more than viable way to put extra cash into your trading account with some dedication on your part.
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
I wanted to take a step back from the normal format of the show to bring to your attention a situation that 100% pertains to the world of "trading". As citizens of the USA, you know we have an election coming soon. While I may disagree with who you vote for, I can respect it and hopefully we can all agree on the central idea that "being educated about policy" is a worthwhile effort. If you are a trader or have ambitions of becoming a trader, no matter your account size, this is a policy that needs to be factored into your voter analysis. No worries, this is not some hour long podcast where I "get political", it's simply an episode with the goal being to give you information that you can then use in your "who I'm gonna vote for" analysis. Let's get to it!
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
How To Build Wealth And Improve Your Life | 7 Investments You Need To Make
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
If you clicked on this video, it tells me you are an ambitious person who is looking to truly take control of your life. I want to share with you 7 investments that you need to make and the order in which you need to focus on them. It's easy to "say" you want to build wealth and improve your life, but if you want to learn how to build wealth in a "take action" type of way, this is the video for you. When you have a planned approach to a situation such as building wealth and improving your life it will increase the odds that all your goals actually happen. Hard work and dedication is needed of course, but if you are willing to hustle and grind and stick with the plan, you'll succeed in big ways. Let's talk about the various investments that you need to make so you can take control and live the life you seek!
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Beginner Stock Traders Need to Use this Trading Tool (here's why...)
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
One of the biggest trading tips I can give to beginner stock traders is to give yourself as much freedom and flexibility as you are able. When you have freedom and flexibility within your stock trading, whether that be day trading or swing trading, you will be able to give yourself more opportunities to make consistent money online. I want to share with you a trading tool that you need to learn about and use as a beginner. Perhaps, you are not a beginner stock trader but you are struggling to make consistent money? You are not alone! I would highly recommend you consider learning more about this trading tool I talk about as it may be the missing piece of your trading strategy. Let me show you some results of this trading tool and illustrate just how powerful and freeing it is, assuming of course you learn about how to use it within your trading strategy. Let's go!
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Stock Trading Tips | Avoid This Problem That Even Professional Day Traders Struggle With
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020