One of the most important trading tools you will need as a stock trader is one that will show you how to find good stocks to trade. The good news is, there are many free trading tools available to you to help you in this mission. While there is no right or wrong answer in regards to the actual trading tool you use, I will show you a totally free trading tool and platform you should consider. It’s hard to make consistent money as a day trader if you are not looking at the right types of stocks. You need to be sure that the stock will give you opportunity and a realistic chance to make you money, and when you use this trading tool the right way, this challenge becomes much easier. If you are a beginner day trader and just getting started in the stock market, let me show you how to use this tool so you can begin to learn how to find the good stocks to trade!
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Do I Only Short Stocks? No! I Love to Buy!
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
One of the most common questions I get from beginner day traders and those starting in the the stock market is this: "Clay, do you only short stocks?" I totally understand this thought process as these people are watching my live day trading videos. Because I get the question so much, I want to answer the question in video format and also include an example of me buying a stock. As day traders our job is to give ourselves as many opportunities as possible, and part of that trading process is also buying stocks to make money when stock prices go up! I do day trading to make money online, so of course I want to be able to make money when stocks rise in value! Let me say that I love to buy stocks and illustrate this to you with some real life trading results of mine.
Friday Dec 18, 2020
How to Play the Lottery For $100 (and guarantee a win)
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
This is NOT clickbait! I promise it is totally possible to guarantee yourself a win by playing this type of lottery. Let me show you how to play the lottery for only $100 and guarantee yourself, at worst, to still make money. If I were you, I would be assuming this is some kind of clickbait or gimmick, but it truly is not. Give the video a watch and I'll take you through step-by-step what you need to do in order to get yourself a guaranteed winning lottery ticket. Just be sure you use the link down in the description box and that will set you up for a potentially huge score!
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
How to Trade Safely (and grow your account!)
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Whether you are trading stocks, options, cryptocurrency, futures or Forex, one of your main goals as a trader is to "trade safely". When you learn how to trade safe, over time, your account will begin to grow. Often times beginner traders who are just getting started focus too much on simply making money and overlook the importance of having a true plan and strategy. More specifically, you want to learn how to trade with a strategy and system that promotes safety first and foremost. When you learn how to trade safe, sure, that might mean your account won't explode in the upwards direction, but that'll also mean it won't explode to being worthless. Let me show you a quick strategy you can use with your trading that will help you trade safely and then in the overall picture, grow your account!
See the Final Results of November HERE (
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Easily Offended? Avoid Being a Day Trader! (Successful Trader Traits)
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Let's talk some day trading facts. Particularly in regards to personality traits you will need to have to achieve success as a day trader. If you are a person who is easily offended, then you need to avoid being a day trader! Day trading can be a great way to make money online as a side hustle, but you also need to be aware of the challenges that come along with the strategy. While you certainly need to learn about how to use trading tools to build yourself money making strategies, you also need to learn about the mental aspect of trading. The human mind is a crazy place and when you are a beginner day trader and just getting started, it is very easy (and common) to underestimate how difficult the mental area of trading is. Let me use some of my personal day trading results to show you what I mean with all of this.
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Day Trader Problems: I Almost Lose My Mind (how to avoid)
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
As day traders, there are always going to be problems. I wish I could teach you how to trade with a strategy that never allows problems to happen, but that is simply not the reality of how day trading works. Due to the fact that day trading has a huge mental aspect, in many situations the problems arise not from your trading strategy, but rather, from mind games you play with yourself. Instead of trying to explain myself here, let me show you some of my personal day trading results that demonstrate this problem in real life. You will see me almost lose my mind; however, you will also see what I choose to do which will teach you how to avoid this common mistake. Being a day trader is awesome, but you need to be very self-aware and be prepared for the types of mind games that exist.
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
The Best Free Stock Trading Education I Offer? I'll Show You...
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
While I do offer a whole lot of free stock trading education on my channel and site, there is a certain bit of education I offer that I would consider "the best". When it comes to stock trading education and learning how to be successful in the stock market, one of the best ways to learn is from other people's mistakes. It's quite simple. You hear about other people's mistakes, you avoid them yourself, which then makes it a positive in your situation. The problem is, when people are new to the stock market and just getting started, they don't know what common mistakes actually are.. Because of this, they do not know what they should be aware of to avoid. That's the power of this content I offer. It's free and will reveal to you many situations that, if avoided, will propel you into having a greater chance at learning how to trade consistently as a trader!
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Is Socialism A Good Thing? Consider This...
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
I'm not here to tell you how you should think about socialism and whether or not it is a good thing. All I ask is you at least consider this scenario that I give and be honest with how you would feel about it. If you are someone who chooses to watch this video, I fully trust that you will have the desire to be honest with yourself and do a bit of critical thinking. The whole idea of democratic socialism has become very popular lately, however, I never seen this type of example given to explain how it works on a relatable level for younger people. I promise I'm not one of these "old folks" who thinks all young people are stupid, I actually believe you are more than capable of thinking for yourself. This is why I want to give an example of socialism that I believe many of the younger generation can relate to.
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
A Great Life Philosophy. (but really DUMB for Day Traders)
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
I am all for picking a life philosophy and following it. In most areas of life, this is a wise strategy to use if you're looking to build wealth and accomplish goals. However! In the world of the stock market and day trading, these typically very motivating and inspiring sayings can get twisted and turned against you! How much so? To the point where it becomes flat out DUMB to even use the philosophy. I've been coaching traders since 2013 and a very common struggle I see comes from using these life philosophies within their trading. By doing so, they are creating all kinds of problems which lead to either losing money in the stock market or have massive inconsistency. When you make the decision to remove these philosophies and view them the way they should be, you will immediately begin making your life easier in regards to learning how to best be a day trader in the markets. Let me show you what I mean.
Monday Nov 16, 2020
The Fastest Strategy to Get More Money for Trading Stocks (start now!)
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Looking for the fastest strategy to get more money for trading stocks? Let me show you a money making strategy that you can start now and immediately begin to grow your stock trading account. I want to honor your time though. If you are looking for a magic pill or some kind of "zero effort" strategy, you will not find that here. If you are someone who is dedicated and serious to the money making strategy of stock trading, then good news.. this strategy is 100% something you can begin doing right now! As is the case with anything worthwhile in life, at the start there is usually some sacrifices that are needed and this strategy is no different. Be ready to suffer some short term pain in order to set yourself up for much longer term rewards. Grab some highlighters and lets start now in putting more money into your trading account!