Friday Apr 09, 2021
Here's Why Beginner Day Traders Make So Much Money! (it's easy...)
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Why do beginner day traders make so much money? Why is it so easy for someone brand new to the market who is just getting started to make money? It may sound like completely backwards logic; however, when you stop and think about how the market functions and how a beginner day trader functions, it actually makes a whole lot of sense! I've been running claytrader.com since 2013 and have seen these cycles come and go time and time again. People brand new to the market who are total beginners, yet, they are easily making all kinds of money. Their day trading accounts are growing and they seemingly have an awesome profit producing strategy. How does this make any sense though if they are brand new? Don't these people need to learn how to trade stocks in the right way? Let's dig deeper into this issue and, if I do my job right, hopefully make you aware of a common pitfall that many beginner day traders fall into without even realizing what is happening!
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Why You Should Love "Short Selling" Stocks...
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
You should absolutely love short selling stocks, and I'll tell you why. Let me be clear, I do not mean you need to actually short sell stocks, but you should be in love with the overall concept of it. I'm aware that short selling stocks has a bad reputation and in many cases can create anger among traders and investors throughout the market; however, that anger and frustration is extremely misplaced. If you are intellectually honest with yourself and stop and think about the process of short selling and how it actually works, it truly should be loved. In fact, the people that hate it the most (the longs) are the ones who should be loving it the most. This is one of the greater ironies in the stock market, but if you are someone who is buying a stock because you believe in the company and want to invest into it, then the shorts are your friends. The shorts will help you out in big ways assuming you are correct in making the investment into what you believe to be a quality company. Let me show you how!
Monday Apr 05, 2021
M1 Finance Review | Why I Invest With M1 Finance
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
There are numerous ways to invest and save for retirement, while there is not a one size fits all option, I choose to Invest with M1 Finance. In this video I lay out the reasons why M1 Finance is the best option for me. Some of the things that they do better than anyone else around, it really all boils down to efficiency! So lets take a look at M1 Finance and why it could be a great option for your retirement investing.
Friday Apr 02, 2021
This is When You Should NOT Buy a Stock (Day Trader 101)
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
In order to make money in the stock market, you need to buy a stock to get the process in motion. With that being said, one of the most important aspects of the stock market (whether that be day trading or swing trading) is when you should or should NOT buy a stock. On the surface I realize this may seem as easy as, "I will only buy good companies" and while that is a wise starting point, it is still only a starting point nonetheless. In many situations, the best decision you can make as a trader or investor is to simply NOT buy a stock. Taking no action is the best action to take if you are wanting to learn how to consistently make money online over the longer term. Thanks to a YouTube comment from a viewer, I have a perfect "real life" example of just what I mean when I say there are times when no action should be taken and you should NOT buy a stock. This also illustrates a couple of other key areas that as a beginner you will need to focus on to increase the chances you have success in the stock market.
Monday Mar 29, 2021
A Starting Point to Fix the Government. Your Thoughts?
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
For the most part, the majority of followers here on YouTube are very constructive in their thoughts and opinions. With that being the case, I wanted to share some of my thoughts on how to fix the government problems we have, and then hear your thoughts. Regardless if you are a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or whatever, I think we can all find common ground that the government is not exactly the most efficient and effective institution. One of the huge problems that I believe is an issue is when it comes to lobbying and people "buying off" politicians. It's a huge problem that exists on both sides of the isle. While I understand some people say "just make it illegal", we need to be real... there will be ways that this big money can use to still effect what the want. There will be loopholes and such that will be exploited so in my mind, things need to be taken further. Let me give you my thoughts on a starting point to fix the government, and then I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Friday Mar 26, 2021
The Problem With Stimulus Checks (it's a hidden tax)...
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Who's ready for more taxes? This is exactly what is slowing occurring all around us as money continues to rain down from the sky. Let me be very clear, for the outliers in society that truly truly "need" the $1,400, then cool. Go for it. Help them out. But, from what I've seen, the VAST MAJORITY of people don't need the money. On the surface it may appear that everything is okay, but let's breakdown what gives money it's true value. If I were to make a wager, I would bet you are guessing wrong in terms of what is actually giving money it's true value. Because of this dynamic, there is a cruel ironic twist happening... the very people it is supposedly helping, it is hurting by imposing this economic tax on them. In fact, this tax hurts the rich very little but those in lower income situations, it can be a massive wrench in their goals. I consider my site and community not only about trading and invest, but also about empowering people with firm understandings of money and wealth building. A bit of basic knowledge goes a long way in clarifying what all this stimulus stuff is doing to us as a society. Let's get to it!
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Elon Musk Does NOT Understand Short Selling Stocks...
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Elon Musk is obviously a very smart person and way more successful than any of us; however, that does not mean that extremely smart people can not throw misleading information into the general public. This is exactly what Elon Musk did relatively recently with a Twitter comment he made about short selling. The only reason I'm actually addressing this issue is because I've seen this faulty thought process now bleed into my comment section. He is getting people upset at shorts using a logic that simply is not true and does not make any sense. I have no issue at all if you think shorting is evil, sure, I disagree with you, but that's fine if you don't like it. But if someone dislikes shorting because of the reasoning and logic Elon Musk is throwing out there, in my mind, that's a problem. You should be forming an opinion on a topic using actual fact and information, not analogies that misrepresent the topic. With all that being said, let's get to this logic about shorting selling that really makes Elon Mus look like he does not understand short selling stocks!
Friday Mar 19, 2021
What I Would Do With My $1,400 Stimulus Check...
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
The government is once again sending out a new round of stimulus checks, this time in the amount of $1,400. While I will not be receiving one, I have had several people ask what I planned on doing with mine. I'm honored by people caring, although, I'm much more encourage and impressed that people are actually looking to "grow the money" rather then just spend it away. So what would I do with my $1,400 stimulus check? What do I believe would be a wise strategy to use? Let me take you through a step-by-step process of what I would do with it and then explain why each of these steps is so important. Especially for you younger people out there (but older also), who knows, this $1,400 could be the stepping stone into what becomes a much larger adventure filled with wealth building and freedom creation!
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Day Trader Psychology: How to Overcome Frustration (using science...)
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
If there is only one thing that all traders can agree and relate to, I think it would be the emotion of frustration! I'm well aware that the slogan of claytrader.com is "trade without emotion", but wow, to be fully transparent, frustration is a constant battle for me. Can you relate? Have you ever had frustration arise in one way or another within your trading journey? If you can answer 'yes', then this is a video you'll want to make time for. I did some research on the science of frustration and it's amazing how much research there is available. I also found a quality article that not only summarizes much of this research, but also maps out the tips in a very easy to read and understand format. Let's all remove as many barriers as we can and learn about how frustration works within the mind and how we can overcome it using science!
Friday Feb 26, 2021
The Crystal Ball Indicator For Day Traders (1 Question...)
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
I'm sure as a beginner day trader you're aware of just how many indicators exist. It's extremely easy to become overwhelmed as a new trader with the amount of indicators that are thrown your way and promised to make you money. I've been day trading stocks online since 2006 and there is one indicator that I truly do believe will server as a crystal ball in regards to whether or not you'll find success. This indicator is not the type you would normally think of, this indicator comes in the form of a question. After you answer this question, the indications it will make to you should be taken very seriously. For those of you who have quite a bit of experience with day trading, I'm sure you would agree that this question (and how you answer it) truly does open up the future in terms of whether or not you'll ever have consistent money making success. Let's talk about this question and just how important it is to your day trading journey!