Friday Jun 18, 2021
My Wealth Building Mindset (and it's lazy!)
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
While I realize this channel is mainly about day trading and making money within the financial markets; I also believe wealth building in general is a more than relevant topic to consider. After a recement comment I received on Facebook, it got my mind turning and lead me to wanting to share my personal wealth building mindset, which happens to be quite lazy! There are many strategies and systems you can use to build wealth for yourself, although in my opinion, some strategies are better than others. In order to best determine what strategy will work for you, there are some other considerations that need to be taken into account from a bigger picture perspective. If you are someone who is okay with working the rest of their lives, then you will be able to operate under a different set of wealth building principles compared to someone who wants to be lazy, like me, and have the choice of laying in bed and doing nothing. Again, it's great that both people are seeking the same thing of building wealth; however, let's be sure we are working smarter, not harder, in our quest to accomplish our financial goals. This is much easier to explain through video, so take a few minutes and give this video a watch and see if you agree with my wealth building mindset or not.
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Whether you want to use stocks options to help you invest into the stock market, or become a day trader in the stock market using options, there is one tool everyone must know how to us. You need to know how to buy and sell stock options using an online platform and broker (app). Thanks to the advances in technology and the speed of the internet, buying a stock option online has never been easier. In this day trading for beginners video, I will show you how to buy and sell stock options and make an online “options trade”. I will walk you through, step-by-step, each part of the process so you know exactly how it needs to be done. For those of you who enjoy watching my live day trading videos, but are confused by “what you see” on the screen, I will go through each section of my platform, in detail.
Friday Jun 11, 2021
My Favorite Day Trading Pattern I Use to Make Money
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
As day traders we need to find strategies and systems that work consistently in the crazy world of day trading. I want to show you one of my favorite day trading patterns that I use to make money in the stock market. The great thing about this pattern is you can use it to make money in other financial markets too. If you want to use it in the cryptocurrency market, or Forex market, go for it! Now of course, I would highly recommend practicing with it and using a simulator before actually using any of your real money; however, in my opinion this is a pattern that should be at least given some consideration. There is no holy grail strategy or system, and we all are a bit different in our personalities and risk tolerance levels. so I'm not saying this pattern is a "fix all" guarantee, but I enjoy it a whole lot! If you are struggling as a trader to find consistency and feel like every day is so random, please give the video a watch and consider implementing it within your day to day trading!
Friday Jun 04, 2021
AMC Profits... Did You Make Money The Right Way?
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
It's been a wild ride so far with AMC and lots of traders and investors are making profits on the stock. The tricky part about the stock market though is just because you make money on a stock, does not mean you actually did it the right way. Sure, you can behave badly and have terrible investment strategies; however, the market can still reward you with profits. The problem becomes the creation of bad habits that, given enough time, will eventually bite you hard. I am happy for everyone that has made profits so far on the AMC short squeeze, but I hope you are at least willing to be a bit honest with yourself on your strategy to make money. This is how we all get better as traders and investors: by being honest with ourselves. When it comes to making money from AMC there was definitely a couple of wrong ways to do it, and then there was the right way. Did you make money the right way? Give this video a watch and let's see how you did!
Monday May 31, 2021
Hanlon's Razor: How It Will Make You A Great Day Trader!
Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
Understanding this will make you a great day trader! I swear, the world of psychology is so amazingly connected to the world of trading the financial markets. Whether you are trading crypto, stocks, options, futures or baseball cards, psychology plays a huge role in the success (or failure) of traders. I recently came across the concept known as Hanlon's Razor and was shocked at just how well it could explain some behaviors that I've seen time and time again over the years. I started this channel and my site, claytrader.com, back in 2013 so I have years of experience in terms of observations. I can say with an abundance of confidence that many traders, myself included, would greatly benefit from understanding and applying Hanlon's Razor to their trading. The more in tune with your mental framework you can get as a trader, the better position you are setting yourself up for success. It's not always fun to talk about emotions and what may be causing them; however, if you want to sharpen your skills as much as possible, it's required. Hanlon's Razor does a fantastic job of doing exactly that.
Friday May 28, 2021
We Are ALL Business Owners. Start Acting Like It!
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
Thanks for a recently viral Facebook post I made (over 88,000 Likes and 66,000 Shares), I've gathered quite a bit of insight into a topic that I believe is severely misunderstood and viewed from an impractical angle. I totally understand why people view this topic the way they do; however, I want to talk about the view I take and one that I believe can help you be successful. To be fair, odds are you are already doing very well in this area of life, but I still think that by using my personal viewpoint, you can improve upon the good things you already have going. I mean come on, an improvement in efficiency is always a good thing, right? The fact of the matter is this, whether you like it or not, you are a business owner. There is no way you can get around it, there is no way you can escape it. Let's talk about this business and the types of choices you can make to create opportunity and make the most of it!
Wednesday May 26, 2021
The Only Tool to Fight (and Discover) Stock Manipulation
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Have you seen the word in the headlines or on social media: manipulation. It's a very popular word to throw around out there whether you are talking about the stock market or any other financial market. Is stock manipulation something you should be scared of as a trader? Is market manipulation something that leaves us as the mercy of the market without being able to fight back? Absolutely not! There is only one tool to fight and discover manipulation and that's what I want to show you here. This tool has many other advantages in the world of trading and investing; however, one of the hidden powers this tool offers is the ability to fight manipulation itself. Whether you are a beginner day trader or someone with lots of trading experience, we want to arm ourselves with as many tools as possible, assuming they provide value. In this case, if you are scared of manipulation, then there should be very little debate about it... you need to be using and learning about this tool!
Monday May 24, 2021
I Respond to a Day Trading Hater (is day trading a scam?)
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Have you ever come across a day trading hater? You know the type. Someone who sits there and throws out all kinds of accusations that when boiled down, essentially imply day trading is a scam and it is impossible. I recently had someone leave a comment on my YouTube channel that I wanted to respond to. This person makes many statements about being a day trader and how day trading works that need to be addressed. While I hope most people understand that you could tread lightly when reading through comments on social media, I wanted to respond to this one as I believe it also will provide several learning examples, which is the point of this channel, to learn! For most of you, I'm sure what this person has to say you already know is not accurate; however, I also know there are many beginner day traders out there who may not understand the finer tune details that make a few of these comments seem true, but when understood in context, makes them false. Let me respond to this day trading hater and clear the air!
Friday May 21, 2021
This Rule Has Allowed Me to Survive for 15 Years Day Trading...
Friday May 21, 2021
Friday May 21, 2021
Day trading is not easy. The rewards and upside potential are enormous, but surviving in the markets long enough to take advantage of those rewards is a whole different challenge. One of the areas of day trading that I underestimated when I was a beginner was the importance of rules. Yes, most people know that in order to survive and thrive you need a valid strategy that will produce consistent money making results; however, the rules surrounding that strategy often times get lost in the shuffle. I want to share one of my rules that has allowed me to survive in the markets as a day trader for 15 years (and counting!). The good news is this rule is nothing fancy. It's easy to see when it needs to be implemented; yet, it is extremely powerful given what it helps you acknowledge and then avoid. While the rule can take many forms, I want to share with you how I use it and encourage you to consider implementing it into your personal trading as it can (and will) help you avoid some very miserable days in the market!
Wednesday May 19, 2021
How the US Dollar is Better than Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrency)
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Yes, I said it: the US Dollar is better an Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency for that matter! I know this will upset many of the hardcore Bitcoin investors and those with diamond hands; however, all I ask is you give me a chance to explain and I think you'll be surprised at the conclusion. I'm all for building wealth and creating financial freedom for yourself via multiple streams of income and investments, but we've all seen those Bitcoin/cypto people who are "all in". They can not be convinced of anything and are at maximum conviction that crypto and Bitcoin is the best place to maintain and grow value. While I can fully respect their investment approach and commend them for looking to build their wealth (as opposed to squandering their money), I want to shed some light on a recent historical event that illustrates one of the flaws within Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.