Monday Jul 12, 2021
How to Buy a $100 Stock With Only $10 (Investing for Beginners)
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
When you are a beginner and just getting started with investing, it's perfectly normal to not have a whole lot of money. Maybe you just got done paying off lots of debt? Maybe you are younger and haven't have much time to make a lot of money? Whatever the reason may be, you just don't currently have a whole lot of money to use to invest into the stock market. First off, that's great you are looking to grow your wealth by investing, welcome aboard! Second off, it's not a big deal at all if you don't have much money at the start. While it may sound too good to be true or impossible, it is totally doable to be able to buy a $100 priced stock if you only have $10 (or less!). How is this possible? The key comes down to selecting the right online broker to handle your account. When you have an online broker that offers certain capabilities, as I will discuss in this video, you will be able to get started investing into the stock market with very modest amounts of money. Let me show you how!
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Shorting Stocks is Easier. Science Explains Why...
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
It is our job as traders to find as many variables as possible to leverage in our favor. I'm not suggesting we do anything illegal, but what I am suggesting is the best way to make a trade NOT a gamble is to put the odds in your favor. At the core, trading is a game of probabilities and odds so our focus needs to be on educating ourselves as much as possible, including within the realm of science and psychology. In this particular case, by understanding a very basic concept in psychology, you can better understand a type of trading that is easier. Now just because the trading style/strategy may be easier does not make it guaranteed; however, it again goes back to the point of it allowing you to leverage probabilities in your favor. I don't want to be a gambler. I don't want to view the stock market as my casino. I want to view this all as a methodical plan of attack where I can find myself "most likely" outcomes. The topic I talk about in this video perfectly illustrates why you need to understand and leverage this human emotion within your personal trading.
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
I Have a QUICK Quiz for You (Day Trading for Beginners)
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
How are you doing in your understanding of the markets and online day trading as a beginner? When I was just getting started as a day trader and learning about the markets and strategies, it was hard to know whether or not I was truly making progress or just being corrupted by false confidence and hope. When you are a beginner day trader and "don't know what you don't know", it can be very easy to begin to form bad habits or use trading strategies that seem profitable; however, over time they will ultimately destroy your trading account. A great way to measure your progress of understanding day trading is through this very quick and simple quiz I have for you. No worries! If you are having flashbacks to school and pop quizzes, this won't be anything like that. It will take up very little of your time, but if you take it serious and are honest with yourself, it will show you an accurate assessment of where you stand in regards to your true understanding of how to day trade with good habits.
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Student Loan Debt: Greed is the Solution (here's how...)
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Student loan debt has really gotten out of control across the USA. You are constantly seeing the topic come up over and over again within the financial media. In the vast majority of the cases, the student loan is being referred to as a crisis due to the fact it is dragging down the personal finances of many people, particularly younger adults. I do fully agree that there is a student loan debt crisis that exists; however, that's simply acknowledging and complaining about the problem. I've always been taught to never complain about the problem unless you have some kind of solution. When it comes to how the student loan debt issues can be solved, my solution is one word: greed. Yes, you read that right, greed! While this may sound like I've gone crazy, let me show you the power of greed and how it could quickly fix the student loan debt problems. Sure, it may cause some frustrations at first for people; however, I'd be willing to be a large chunk of money that years later, those very same frustrated people will be willing to "thank the greedy". Greed is a force that can be used for good, and that includes fixing the student loan problems. Let me show you how!
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Financial Problems: Is Day Trading the Answer?
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Financial problems are all too common when it comes to personal finances and attempting to take control of your live and freedom. You are not alone with the problem and in all actuality, I respect that you have a problem. How so? Well, by saying you have a financial problem shows that you are being self aware of your financial situation and not deceiving yourself. I commend that! The only way to fix a problem is to first identify it as a problem in the first place. That brings us to why you are here, you are wondering if day trading is the answer to your problem. You want to know if learning how to day trade online and make money is a suitable solution to your financial struggles. Once again, I deeply respect you as you ask this question. It shows that not only have you admitted there is a problem, but also that you are seeking a solution to it. In this video I want to discuss with you the considerations you'll need to make and think over as you determine whether or not learning the skill of day trading is the right solution. With over 15 years of experience and doing many dumb things, I can speak with a relatively high degree of expertise on this issue, so let's have a discussion and see if day trading would be the proper next step for your financial situation and goals.
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Small Account Trading Strategy | What I Would Use
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
If I was back to being a beginner day trader and just getting started in the markets with a smaller trading account, I know exactly what method and strategy I would use! When you are starting your trading journey, it is completely normal to have a smaller account that you will need to grow over time. There is no shame in this at all, and in all actuality, I would argue it is a good place to start. All traders have bumps along the way, especially at the beginning, so it's better to experience those bumps with a smaller account than a huge one! The one potential problem and annoyance is the dumb Pattern Day Trader Rule ("PDT Rule"). This is a government regulation that says you are not allowed to day trade stocks as much as you want if you have less than $25,000. It's truly a ridiculous rule, but it is what it is. The good news is, if you take the proper steps (as I will show you in this video), you can give yourself a whole lot of flexibility within your trading strategy. While I can't say you are totally avoiding the PDT Rule, this strategy does allow you the opportunity to side step it a bit. When you do it the right way, you can give yourself multiple "day trades" each and every day. Let me show you one step at a time how you can accomplish this. I'm confident that you'll quickly see why this is the day trading strategy I would use with a smaller account if I had to rewind time and go back to the start!
Monday Jun 28, 2021
How To Safely Trade Stocks With A Full Time Job (Use This Strategy in 2021)
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
There is no shame in working a full time job. In fact, most beginner traders get started in the stock market while still having a full time job. I would argue this is the smartest strategy to use so that you have that extra source of financial income flowing into your monthly budget. There is no need to create mental pressures on yourself because you need to make winning trades and consistently make money to pay your bills. As a new trader who is just starting out, that is way too much pressure to put on yourself! With all that being said, the reality of the matter is trading stocks while having a full time job can be very tricky at times. You never know when you might need to step away from your computer or phone. You never know when a fellow worker stops by to talk about an issue that you had no idea about. There can be some very risky situations created when trying to make money in the stock market, with a job. The good news is, there are some cool tricks you can use within your online trading broker's platform that make trading stocks with a full job job safer. This way, you can have full confidence in your trade plans because you know you are safely putting yourself in a position to make money. There is nothing magical going on here however. You still need to know how to trade and have a valid strategy, but to those that do, this little trick will ensure your strategy stays safe within your context of having a full time job. Let me show you what I mean...
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Options Trading 101: What's It Cost to Trade Options?
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
For those of you who are beginners to the stock market and options trading in particular, a very wise and logical question you are probably asking is this: how much money do I need to trade options online? It's a fantastic question as it shows you are doing your best to manage your time and don't want to invest your time learning more about a strategy that you won't even be able afford to implement. Stock option trading is a great way for traders to get involved with higher priced stocks that, on the surface, seem unattainable because of their high share price. When you get started with options trading though, you enter into an entirely new arena that allows a great deal of flexibility with the stocks you trade and the strategies you use. The best part is, when it comes to determine how much money you need for an option trade, the math is about as simple as it gets. Sure, a calculator makes life a bit easier; however, if you are able to count to 100, you'll be able to understand the math of options. Let's talk some options trading 101 and show you just how much money you would need to get involved with the awesome market of stock options!
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
The Fastest Way To Day Trade (Use this Learning Strategy)
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
If you want to be a successful trader, then you need to put in the time and effort to learn. This hopefully sounds like an obvious point to make; however, when it comes to learning the fastest way to day trade, this is where many beginner day traders are messing up. You certainly do not want to rush your understanding of the markets and how to trade but at the same time, you also do want to do it in the quickest way possible. I started my channel in 2013 which has allowed me to encounter many beginner day traders who are just getting started and there is one mistake I see them making over and over again in their attempts to learn. In this video I want to show you this mistake and how it can be, quite frankly, a total waste of time. However, I don't want to just throw out a problem without offering a solution, so I'll be showing you the much more powerful way to learn the fastest way to day trade which will make your learning become extremely efficient! Let's learn how to learn how to day trade as fast as possible!
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Are AMC Shorts Evil?
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
I've quickly learned that the passion surrounding AMC's stock is quite intense. Having a true passion and belief surrounding anything in life is an admirable thing. In this day and age of people seemingly always flip-flopping to whatever is possible, it's refreshing to see a group of people so grounded in their belief system. I would argue though that part of a, truly, solid belief system is understanding all dynamics that are occurring so you can best position yourself for success. When it comes to AMC, it seems as though the majority of people believe the shorts are evil. Is this true though? In order to best understand why or why not this is the case, we need to take a deeper look into what shorting a stock is and how it works. Once you grasp the full extend to how shorting a stock works in terms of how people enter and exit the trade, you'll see just how efficient the market place actually is. Let me try to take your passion for AMC to a a whole other level of understanding so you can see that shorts should be welcomed, not shunned away.