Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Learning to Day Trade for Free? Consider This...
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
When it comes to learning how to day trade, thanks to the internet, you have a whole lot of choices. One of the most common ways that people choose to learn how to day trade is via free information. While I 100% understand this logic and commend people for being cost caring about their money, I would for you to consider a point worth thinking about. Perhaps you will disagree with me, and that's fine, but through my own experience and from the countless horror stories I've heard from beginner day traders (been doing this since 2013), I can say with fully certainty, you need to consider it. Signing up and creating an online broker is the easy part. Pressing buttons to buy a stock or crypto is the easy part. If you want to learn how to make money on a consistent basis however is not easy. This is the part where you need make some big considerations and determine whether "free" is actually "free". Let me show you this big question that needs to be answered.
Monday Sep 13, 2021
I Believe This Skill Matters Most to Day Traders
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
If you want to learn how to become a successful day trader who consistently makes money online, there are numerous skills you will need to become good at. When you consider all the skills that are required to make money consistently, I believe the skill I talk about in this video matters the most to day traders. As I say in the video, if I am a total stranger to you, then don't believe me. Go find a day trader that you trust and believe in and ask them if the skill I talk about in the video is important. The importance of this skill also demonstrates why day trading over longer periods of times is so hard. If this skill had to do with an exciting topic of the markets then all of this would be much easier to focus on and take serious; however, this is not the case. The day trading skill I talk about in this video revolves around an extremely boring subject. That's the sneaky part about the markets thought. The "boring skills" are the ones that will make the biggest impact on your ultimate outcomes of trading results. Let mem show you why this skill is so important, and no worries, I won't be talking "in theory". I'll be using some of my personal day trading results to illustrate exactly what I mean!
Friday Sep 10, 2021
CFD Trading Can Be Very Misleading... Here‘s How!
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
The topic of CFD trading has always been relatively popular, and rightfully so. The financial vehicle of CFD's (contract for difference) are very attractive and offer a whole lot of interesting benefits. The point of my video is not to bad mouth CFD's or those people who trade them, but rather, inform some of you about how they can be very misleading. If you live outside of the USA, then this video does not necessarily pertain to you; however, if you are a citizen of the USA, then please take some time to watch this video so that you are not mislead. In the world of social media, there are lots of traders out there posting lots of impressive results. Whether or not those results are actually real is a whole other conversation, but for the sake of this discussion, let's assume their trading results are genuine. Even if they are real, for us living in the USA, their results are extremely misleading due to a few characteristics that CFD's have to offer compared to trading stocks or options. I want to share these dynamics with you so that when you are forming opinions and structuring trade plans, you can do so with a full understanding and awareness of how CFD's work. This way, you can avoid building up bad trading strategies that are not based in reality! Let's get to it!
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
The Stock Market is a Prankster: How to Trade Smart
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
The stock market is essentially a human being. When you stop and think about it, given the market is made up of millions of human beings, it makes sense. Just as humans (well, some of them haha!) have a sense of humor, so does the stock market. In many ways, the stock market is a prankster and you need to learn how to trade smart given this context. There will be many trading situations where you think you have a good trade plan, but the market will cause you to think otherwise. At times, there is nothing you can do about it. The stock market will pull a prank on you and laugh and all you can do is shake your head and laugh also. However, if you want to trade smart, then you need to consider this trading tip I discuss in the video here. The tip is nothing complicated. It's actually very basic and simple to use, but the impact can be awesome! No worries. I will not be "talking in theory". I will use some of my personal stock day trading results that I captured on video as a reference point to help illustrate this lesson. Let's get to it!
Monday Sep 06, 2021
The Math that Matters Most For Beginning Day Traders
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
When it comes to day trading (and investing in general), there are numbers involved. Therefore, math is a requirement for anyone who is looking to become a day trader or investor. Let me be very clear, the math requirements are nothing fancy. You don't need a college degree in physics to understand the math required in the financial markets. With all this being said, the math becomes much more complicated in a hidden type of way. In fact, the math can be done for you via spreadsheets and calculators, so you truly do not need to be great at math. The problem that arises is there are several different "types" of math. If you are not aware of how these types of math operate within the market, you are going to experience headaches and frustrations as a trader. As I type this out, I'm thinking this is getting way too confusing and complicated trying to explain with words. So with that being said, all I can really say is do not let these words confuse you, haha! Just watch the video and I will do a much better job of illustrating exactly what I'm trying to describe here!
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Trading Truths: Are You a Sheep or a Wolf? (how to know)
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Sometimes trading truths are not the most popular topic in trading to talk about as they can bruise the ego, but if you want to learn how to trade successfully, trading truths are required. One of the key dynamics of trading that you need to understand "how to know" is whether or not you are a sheep or a wolf. The key part here is being honest with yourself. When you are honest with yourself and can determine if you are a sheep or a wolf, it will put you in a much more powerful situation. If you are a wolf, then great, you have the attitude required and can know you are on the right pathway. If you determine yourself to be a sheep, that's fine too! At this point you'll know you need to begin to make changes and put yourself on a different pathway. You can't fix a problem unless you acknowledge there is a problem in the first place. How do you know if you are a sheep or a wolf? I have a little example for you within the video that will help shed some light onto where you stand in regards to this area of trading. Again, the most important part here is to be honest with yourself so you can truly identify any problem areas that might exist.
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
How Many Day Trading Tools Should You Use as a Trader?
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
I 100% your thought process is wanting all kinds of trading tools and functionality within your trading platform. I am with you in thinking that trading computers with several monitors and dozens of technical charts look awesome! However, is having all kinds of choices and options as a trader as productive and freeing as it may seem? This is a very common bridge that many traders fail to cross (myself included when I was starting) in a safe way. You would think that in order to have success as a trader you should be operating at maximum flexibility and freedom in terms of choices available, but what does the world of psychology think about this? Believe it or not, jam can help us gain insight into this world of decision making and human psychology. If you are struggling as a trader and just can’t quite seem to pinpoint what the problem is, you better be considering what science has to say about this topic of “choice”. Let’s get to it!
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Why Are People Not Inspired by THIS?!?!? (Wealth Building 101)
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
The world can be a confusing place at times. There is a particular situation out there that causes me to question why people are not inspired by it. I'm amazed at how two people can look at the same situation and see such different dynamics. While I understand why people would look at this situation and view it a certain way, when you look at it from a wealth building standpoint, it becomes quite inspirational. In my mind it is pure motivation and should tell you just how crazy (in a good way) the opportunities in this world are. Do they take hard work? Of course. All big opportunity and results require hard work so that is nothing new. With that being said, if you are a hard worker and someone who considers yourself a quality worker, then let me present to you two situations. I'll leave the choice up to you in terms of what situation you would want to jump into as a hard worker; however, I believe one situation is much more obvious than the other. Let's build some wealth and get inspired by these opportunities exist!
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Day Trader Science: The Law of Diminishing Effort
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
While it's not an official economic concept, the law of diminishing effort is something that certainly exists in the real world. In fact, I would go as far as calling it day trader science in the sense that anyone who has quality experience can attest to the truth behind it. At the core though, the law of diminishing effort should be an encouragement to beginner day traders and those who are just getting started in their trading journey. I understand. At the start as you try to learn, all the information and data can pile up very quickly and turn overwhelming. Rest assured, this is a totally normal feeling to have and due to the law of diminishing effort, I promise you everything will begin to slow down and make more sense. The key to all of this is persistence and having a structured game plan of learning. If you choose to surround yourself with random (and sometimes bad) information, then the law of diminishing effort may work against you; however, for those that choose to invest into a structured way of learning, there is certainly light at the end of the tunnel! Let's talk some day trader science and how the law of diminishing effort will help you in great ways!
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
The Most Powerful Indicator for an Economy
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
When it comes to indicators and the financial markets, the availability can be immensely crazy. Whether you are talking about technical indicators for day trading or swing trading, there are so many! In this case, we're not talking about short term trading, I want to look at more of a overall indicator that I believe is useful for an entire economy. All you have to do is open up your news app or turn on a financial channel and you'll see opinions of every kind. Some people are saying how great the economy is doing while others are saying the exact opposite. As normal everyday investors, how do we deal with this? How can we truly understand and learn what is going on with an economy? I'm not that smart, so in my mind, I need to keep this entire process of investment as simple as possible. I want to share with you what I believe is the most powerful indicator for an economy. While I'm not saying the indicator is perfect (that does not exist), I do believe there is a whole lot of rational logic that goes behind paying attention to it and why it can be powerful.