Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
[Trading 101] Is A Stock Expensive or Cheap? (How to Tell...)
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
So you want to buy a stock online for an investment, but, you're wondering whether or not the stock is expensive or cheap. As a beginner investor who is just getting started in the world of stock market investing, this is a great question to be asking! You don't want to buy a stock that is expensive, you want to be focused on stocks you believe to be cheap. Here's a spoiler: "cheap" or "expensive" has nothing to do with the actual price of the stock. In all actuality, you could have a stock at $5 which would be considered "expensive" compared to a stock with a price of $500. How is this possible? In the world of fundamental analysis, there are many metrics which can be used to help determine whether a stock is expensive or cheap. The world is vast, meaning, there will be many varying opinions on what metrics are the best to use and in what ways those metrics should be used. In this video, I'll be talking about the P/E Ratio. This is one of the most basic fundamental metrics you can use and it is a great place to start with analyzing your potential stock investments. Let me show you more about how the P/E Ratio works and what types of dynamics you should consider if you decide to use this metric. Let's go!
Monday Nov 08, 2021
How Companies Avoid Paying Taxes (and why it‘s impossible to stop)
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
It's a common talking point within the headlines: companies should pay their fair share! The proposed solution to this is to raise taxes on companies and force them to pay whatever politicians define as "fair". The problem with is is that companies don't care. They will avoid paying the taxes and they don't care because it's impossible to stop them from avoiding paying taxes. The biggest problem within this debate is the people who end up paying the taxes are the people politicians are supposedly protecting: the poor and middle class. As a former engineer, I am all for figuring out solutions to problems; however, in order to figure out the best solutions possible, you need to understand some of the basic functions of how a process works. In this situation, it would be silly to try and solve this tax debate without understanding the basics of how a company works and makes money in the first place. When you begin to understand the foundations of making money within a company, you'll quickly see why "adding to the cost" of a business is not actually doing too much damage to them. Let's learn about some basic business and then address this avoidance of how companies behave with taxes.
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
AMC Shows All Traders the Power of Technical Analysis!
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
There are many trading tools available to you as a trader. Whether you are a day trader, swing trader or investor, it's easy to become overwhelmed by all the tools, brokers and platforms that exist. Beginner traders and those who are just getting started in the stock market can feel the sense of being overwhelmed the quickest. I've been trading since 2006 and have been on YouTube since 2013 and the tool that I believe packs the most power is technical analysis! I do fully admit that just because I've been around for a long time does not mean that the tool I am recommending works. The great thing about YouTube though is how it allows you to document certain things that can ultimately be turned into proof! That's what we have here using the very well known stock of AMC. It does an awesome job of showing all traders the power of technical analysis! If you want to learn how to begin to build consistent and profitable strategies, technical analysis is a tool that you should at least consider learning more about. Let me show you the power of this using the real life example of AMC!
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Day Trading Strategy: The Sniper Shot
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
I understand there are lots of day trading strategies out there, but I wanted to share with you one of my favorites: the sniper shot. Is this a perfect day trading strategy that will always make you money? Of course not! There is no such thing as a perfect day trading strategy. With that being said, when you have a firm understanding of trading and technical analysis, this is a strategy that can be very beneficial when used within the proper context. I want to walk you through the foundations of this strategy and the principles it is built upon. While it may appear as though I'm insulting your intelligence, I promise that's not the case! I've had this YouTube channel and my educational site since 2013 and I tell you this because I've lost count of the times people comment about how some of the most obvious dynamics of day trading hide in plain sight. It is pretty amazing though how when you identify these basic principles and then implement them into a day trading strategy how impactful they can become. Instead of continuing to try and explain with words, let me show you a real life example of this strategy from my personal day trading results I captured on video!
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Day Trader Risk | Putting More Money In Your Pocket
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
There are certain times that we as day traders need to be risky! If we want to position ourselves in the best possible spot to make money online over the long term, risk is required! When it comes to the topic of risk, let me be very clear! There are a variety of types of risk and situations where risk needs to be viewed in certain ways. I want to share with you some tips and tricks on when I would argue it makes sense to get a bit risky and try and put more money into your pocket. The type of risk I am talking about is by no means random or coming from a place of "go big or go home". In all actuality, this strategy towards being risk is coming from mathematics and a place of probabilities. In other words, it's coming from a place devoid of emotions and filled with basic math. I understand that beginner day traders can sometimes see certain words and situations and become intimated because it all feels so complex, but that is not what we have here. These tips and tricks are centered around some very basic math concepts that anyone can understand and implement within their day trading strategies. Whether you are trading stocks, crypto, options or Forex, these are the tips and tricks you should consider using in order to turn your strategy as rock solid as possible!
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Day Traders Fail Because of Situations Like This...
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
I want to share a situation that just happened to me that is a large reason why so many traders fail. Because of situations like you are about to see in the video, many traders are taken to places they should not go and ultimately, will eventually fail. No worries, I will not be lecturing at you "in theory" and talking about how I once read in a book that this is how it could happen. Nothing like that! I will be using some of my personal day trading results that show situations like this occur, and then how they can potentially spin out of control. Whether you are a beginner day trader who is just getting started or someone with day trading experience, it can never hurt to be reminded of how situations like this can lead to failure. While I can not say that these situations will show up the exact same for all traders, I can say that the underlying issue remains true no matter where you are in your day trading career. The only difference is how well you can identify the potential traps and pits that will try to swallow you up as you proceed through your day trading journey. Let me show you what I mean with an emotional situation I experienced first hand.
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Day Trader Tips: How to Protect Yourself Against ”Trading Ego”...
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Some of the most important day trader tips I can give you revolve around your emotions and psychology as a flawed human being. I truly wish I could sit here and tell beginner day traders that emotions and feelings can be completely turned off when you are trading online; however, that would be a lie. The best we can do as day traders is to be aware of how our human psychology works and then implement methods to help us fight against it. In this video I want to share with you a tip that I use in order to protect myself against "trading ego". In order to have consistent money making success as a day trader, you certainly need to have confidence and trust in your strategies and ability as a trader. With that being said, there's also a fine line that exists where you confidence can turn into ego. When this line has been crossed, you are setting yourself up for some very dangerous (and painful) consequences. I've been trading since 2006, or in other words, I have a whole lot of experience with the pain that trading ego brings with it for those who are unprepared. I hope this video demonstrates just how trading ego can arise, but even better, a practical solution that you can use to protect yourself against it!
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Online Trading: The Greatest Video Game Ever Created!
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Are you an online gamer? Would you consider yourself a "snob" when it comes to video games? (no shame there!). Well, let me tell you what I believe to be the greatest video game every created! Perhaps you've heard on online trading before, or perhaps you haven't.... in either situation, I hope to motivate you enough to at least look deeper into it! Let me be very clear though. This "video game" of online trading requires an immense amount of focus and hard work. If you are going to find consistent success it will require blood, sweat and tears along the way. So yes, it is a mountain size challenge to have consistent success, but if you are able and willing to put in the time and effort to climb the mountain, the upside potential is amazing! If you are an online gamer but also seek additional side hustles and ways to earn income, then you truly do need to consider online trading. You already have a huge requirement technology wise with high speed internet and an awesome computer, now it's just time for the knowledge. If you love a good challenge and want to learn more about this video game that can put real life money into your pocket, then let's go!
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Day Trader Quick Quiz: Check This Out...
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
I know we all quiver at the sound of the word "quiz", but I promise this one will be very quick! I want you to check this out as I believe it will help to show you whether or not your expectations of the market and day trading are grounded in reality or fantasy land. This is important to figure out because as a beginner day trader, if you are focused on the wrong concepts from the start or have impressions that are false, you are setting yourself up for disappoint when the reality of day trading hits you. This quiz is very simple. I share with you an image of some results from a day trader and then ask you go form some quick thoughts on them. It's not a trick question or anything of that nature. I simply want you to observe the trading results and form an opinion. After that, we can dig into some of the more important aspects of day trading that will need to be addressed and understood if you want to give yourself a true chance at success as a trader. Let's get to it!
Friday Sep 24, 2021
My 5 Day Trading Losing Streak... (Day Trader Truths)
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Well, the internet can be a vicious place. That makes talking about losing days and trades not very enjoyable. But a losing streak? Oh boy! Buckle up, things might get a bit rough! In all seriousness though, that's what happened to me: a 5 day losing streak! I can't remember the last time this kind of streak happened. Let's be serious, you need to try very hard in order to lose five days in a row, but somehow, I managed to make it happen! I'm sure this will bring out some trolls and armchair quarterbacks, but that comes with the territory of the internet. At the core though, there are some valuable learning lessons and a few tips and tricks I want to share with you. It may sound like a contradiction, but I made several good choices during the losing streak. Sure, I was losing money day after day after day; however, there were some choices I made that proved to be very wise within the overall picture. I want to share this personal case study with you as I believe it can help you learn how to deal better when "tough times" hit. One of the biggest day trader truths that many fail to realize is that, at times, the market can attempt to break your spirit and will, but you need to keep fighting, but in smart ways! Let me show you what I mean using some of my real life personal day trading results!