Monday Dec 06, 2021
This is Why Day Trading Gets a Bad Reputation...
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Often times the world of day trading and online trading in general gets a bad reputation. Have you ever told someone you were a day trader or that you trade stocks, crpto, options, etc. online and the person then gives you a sideways look? Sure, maybe they don't say it straight to your face, but you can tell they think you are some degenerate gambler who is being very... well, stupid... with your time and money. Every stopped to think where this reputation comes from? Why is there this stigma attached to people who are trying to make money online from trading? Thanks to YouTube's allowing people to comment on videos, I've collected a very helpful data point in terms of the origins of this bad reputation and how it spreads. I wanted to go through a recent comment I had on one of my YouTube videos that I believe reveals quite a bit into the psychology of people who attempt to make money from day trading, and then what they probably tell other people. My main goal with this video is to inspire and motivate you to keep on grinding in your day trading pursuits. Even if you've come across someone who has made you feel like your goals are unobtainable, I want you to consider that maybe the reason this person is making you feel that way is because they've bumped into someone like you're about to see in this comment who has warped their understanding of how day trading actually works.
Friday Dec 03, 2021
My 4 FAVORITE Technical Charts (and a FREE way to set them up!)
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Let's talk about my four favorite technical charts and more importantly, a free way to set them up! One of the most important jobs a trader has is to provide themselves with as much context as possible in regards to the trade they are about to make. You are playing a very risky game if your strategy lacks the ability to give you multiple angles of information. We are not gamblers, we are traders. What's the difference? Traders have the ability to take information and then tilt it in their favor to give themselves a "likely" edge. I wish I could say it was a guaranteed edge, but I can't. The good news is that all we need as traders is some kind of statistical edge to begin to cause our account to grow. This edge is coming from the information we collect so we need to ensure that we are not short changing ourselves when it comes to this task. Many traders understand this, which is great, but I often get the question what technical charts am I using within my trading? Which technical charts would I recommend to give someone the best chances of success? And then from the very practical world of implementing these charts, how can they set them up in a productive manner? I will answer all these questions in the video so let's get to it!
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
How the Stock Market Works: The Quickest Way to Understand
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
I want to share with you a quick way to help you understand how the stock market works. Clearly if you are interested in learning about this topic, you are a beginner to the world of financial markets and to you I say, 'welcome!'. When I was a beginner to the stock market and just getting started, I remember feeling that the stock market was vastly complex and that only rich people could use it. In terms of how did the stock market work? I assumed you essentially needed some kind of college degree in order to understand. I'm happy to report: I was wrong! My guess is, you already know how the stock market works based on experiences in your day-to-day life. Yes, the stock market does have some areas that are very complex; however, that does not mean that the core of "how it works" is super complicated. If I do my job right in explaining how it all works, you should walk away from this video saying, "that's it?" I'm happy that you are looking to learn more about the financial world of stocks and wealth building, so let's get to it and help you begin your journey!
Monday Nov 29, 2021
How to Be More Self Disciplined and Motivated as a Day Trader
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
If you want to be a successful day trader who makes consistent money online, you are going to need to have a whole lot of self discipline. Despite what you may have seen on social media or YouTube, day trading is not easy and presents one of the bigger challenges you will ever encounter. This of course does not mean that having success as a day trader is impossible, it just means you better be ready to work hard and... well... be disciplined! With all that being said, "self discipline" is not always as easy as it seems. In fact, being disciplined with anything in life can be extremely difficult! I've been trading the stock market since 2006 and helping other traders since 2013, so I want to share with you a trick on how to be motivated as a day trader in regards to self discipline. Without motivation, staying disciplined is essentially an impossible task to achieve. When you can locate an ongoing source of motivation it will keep you disciplined as a trader to work hard, follow your strategy rules, and always be looking to improve and learn! Let me share with quick trick with you that will help ignite and fuel motivation!
Friday Nov 26, 2021
A 90% Tax Rate. Would It Work Today? (Economics 101)
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
A 90% tax rate. Would a tax rate this high work today? I want to talk some economics 101 as we address this issue as it continues to be brought up more and more. The main framework in which this topic is brought up is in regards to justifying raising taxes even more on certain people. The line of reasoning goes, "Well, tax rates used to be as high as 90% and the economy not only survived it, the economy did very well. Therefore, the system can certainly handle raising taxes significantly more on the top earners." To be fair, it is factually true that at one point tax rates where that high and that the economy did not fail, but did quite well. With that being said, there are some historical details that are being left out of this reasoning that make it a shaky baseline to use. I'm not here to try and persuade you one way or another, but as a group of people who seek to understand economics, wealth, money, etc., it's important to at least have a full understanding of this talking point. I believe it is my job to throw out some considerations and then let you decide where you fall. If you disagree with me or anyone else, that's fine. I still believe we can do that in an adult-like manner. No matter where you stand on the tax issue, my only point here is let's consider ALL the facts about the 90% tax rate before choosing to use it as some kind of baseline of justification.
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
The Bi-Polar Nature of Day Traders (what to expect!)
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
As a beginner day trader and someone who is just getting started in the stock market, it is very important to know what to expect. When you start a new journey and have your expectations in line with reality, it certainly makes overcoming the hurdles a bit easier when they arise. One fact you need to quickly realize as a day trader is you are not emotionally stable. Sure, I understand in your normal life you would look at yourself (and be considered) as a normal person; however, the stock market has an interesting way of changing all of this. The vast majority of people are actually bi-polar in nature. You can be feeling a certain way and then in a matter of minutes you are feeling the exact opposite. To someone observing you, you are going to seem like a nutcase. Please understand this though, that's okay! You are normal for being bi-polar! The key is you need to be aware of it and understand how to deal with it when it happens. Let me show you using some of my personal day trading results I caught on video an instance where the bi polar nature of trading hit me and it was all caught live. Buckle up!
Monday Nov 22, 2021
How To {SMARTLY} Make More Money Day Trading Stocks...
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Let me state the obvious. The goal when day trading stocks is to make money. The catch is, you are not going to start off making lots of money. The first step in any consistent trader's journey is to learn how to day trade stocks online with a valid strategy. This does not happen overnight; however, it is completely possible and an opportunity that all beginner day traders have. When you do establish that you can be consistent and manage risk, the next step is to begin to aim to make more money from your strategy. This is the exact moment in time where many traders stumble and experience all kinds of frustration and heartache. This step is very important and must be done in a very specific way. If you do this step in any other form, the odds are very high that you are going to derail yourself from your goals. As important as this step is, it is actually a very simple step. There is nothing complicated about it. The hard part is all emotional and will depend on how well you can handle being patient. I realize this step is not the fun step, but when you do it in a "non fun way", you know you're doing it right! Let mem show you how to smartly make money day trading stocks.
Friday Nov 19, 2021
The Quickest Way to Buy Passive Income...
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Within the world of wealth building and personal finance, my favorite area of it all is passive income! When you can put yourself and your finances in a situation where you are making money while you sleep, it almost sounds too good to be true! The awesome fact is, it is not too good to be true! With the right plan and strategy you can literally construct situations where your personal wealth is growing with you doing nothing other than waiting (and sleeping!). Here's the catch though. You do need to have money in the first place. The other catch is, you might need to make some short term sacrifices. Instead of using money you have to buy a vacation or fancy car, you'll need to use that money to buy passive income. It can seem like a tough decision, and it is; however, as someone with personal experience in the power of passive income, I promise you that you'll be happy with your decision to buy the passive income. The other good news is, there are some very quick ways to buy passive income that everyone can do. In this world of the internet and technology, access to the world of passive income is just a few mouse clicks away! Let me share with you the quickest way to buy passive income so you can begin to generate your financial freedom!
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
The Problem With Socialism (and why it does not work)
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
It's a hot topic these days and you seem to see more and more of it in the news headlines. The topic? Socialism. Sure, maybe it is not referred to it exactly as socialism, but what is being described certainly fits the definition. In my eyes, there is a big problem with socialism that will not allow it to work. With that being said, I try and stay as open minded on these topics as possible, so if you see something I am missing within the video, I'd love to hear your thoughts. I'm not hear to name call or anything of that nature. If you disagree with me, that's fine, we can still be friends and respect one another. If you do disagree though, my honest and sincere question is: what am I missing? The problems that I point out seem to not have any kind of verifiable data or proof that the problem has been overcome in the past. Again, perhaps I am unaware of a situation where this problem has been overcome and allowed socialism to work, but from what I've seen it hasn't. I should also note this is more being talked about from the socialism being proposed here in the USA. The centerpiece of it being, "tax the rich and make sure they pay their fair share".
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Got Trendlines? (Powerful Day Trading Tools to Use)
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
If you want a powerful day trading tool to use, you better be asking yourself if you "got trendlines?". I understand that it can be a very big temptation to fall into the "the more complicated the more better" mindset of choosing day trading tools; however, that is very unnecessary. As a beginner day trader and someone just getting started, you're going to want to keep strategies as simple as possible when trying to find trading set-ups. Trendlines are a tool that allow you to do this in a very effective way. When you slow down and think about the trading tool of trendlines, it does make sense. Given they are very easy to implement and use, you know that many traders (both new and old) are using them around the world. Because of this fact, whether you want to call it a self fulfilling prophecy or not, these trendlines can be highly respected within the world of technical analysis and price action. I do also realize that you can sit here and accuses me of being like a book and talking 'in theory". That is a fair criticism on your part, so I want to take this discussion a bit further and use some of my personal day trading results to illustrate the power of trendlines. As traders, we want to keep our strategy as simple as possible, and a trendline is a great starting point to do exactly that. Let me show you!