Sunday May 15, 2022
STOP Paying For Trading Simulators! (This One PAYS YOU!)
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
I’ll call it a pet peeve of mine. It drives me insane when I see beginner day traders who are just getting started in the markets spend their money on tools that, in all actuality, are free! Not only are these trading simulator tools free, if you know where to look, some will pay you to sign up and use them! How cool is that?!?! Trading simulators (also known as “demo trading” or “paper trading”) are an essential tool for anyone looking to learn how to trade. When you can fake trade without the threat of losing any actual money, you’ll be able to experiment and practice until your heart’s content. If you are not aware, despite what some may claim or portray, day trading and swing trade is a difficult endeavor. In other words, practice is not optional. You’ll need to fine tune your trading strategies and figure out what best fits your personal risk tolerances; however, money does not grow on trees so you can’t continue to spend your own money “figuring things out”. Once you find yourself a quality trading simulator though, you can practice with peace of mind that you are not on the verge of losing all your money. You can take your trading journey one step at a time and now feel the burdensome pressures of emotions. Whether we’re talking life in general or learning how to trade online, let’s work smarter.. not harder! The smart way to go about simulator trading is to NOT pay, but rather, GET paid!
Wednesday May 11, 2022
I Told You... Day Trading is HARD!
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Investment bank Morgan Stanley did some extremely interesting research and released it further proving that day trading is hard! For those of you who are not beginners and new to my channel, you know I’ve talked about this over and over again. I’ll be the first to admit it is way better to talk about winning trades and making money; however, the unfortunate reality is, you need to bring your A game if you want success. The MEME stocks were a thing of beauty and wonderment, but their time is over and those who entered into the market and saw success with those, are now experiencing a very different picture. I hope this video offers you up some motivation to keep on going and not be too hard on yourself. You are not alone by any means if you are one of those day traders who got caught up in the hype and ended up giving back your gains. Rest assured, part of the day trader journey is going through tough times, so in a positive way... you are NOTHING unique. You are NOT special. I hope you decide to stick with it and make changes to your approach to the market now that you know how hard it actually is. No stock can go straight up always. It’s time for you to move your understanding of the stock market and trading into risk management and sustainable strategy building.
Monday May 09, 2022
Day Trader Warning: These Trades Results Are Very Dangerous
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
From one day trader to another, whenever you get the results you’ll see in this video, be warned! While I have not given these types of results maximum consideration, if I did, I could see myself concluding they’re the most dangerous you could get. Depending on how new you are to day trading, you may or may not be aware of how big the mental challenges are when it comes to emotions. One of the most surprising things I’ve learned since becoming a day trader almost two decades ago is how sometimes the emotions pop up form the most random areas of the human mind. Because of this fact, you need to be prepared to always be on your toes and ready for whatever the market throws your way from day to day. I love being a day trader and using it as a side hustle to make extra money; however, like all things worthwhile, they require dedication and hard work. Day trading is certainly no exception and this video will show you exactly why. In my opinion, the best way to learn and understand key concepts is not with “theory”, but rather, with “real life examples”. On that note, I will be using some of my personal day trading results that I captured on video. I will walk you through a day trade, step-by-step, so you can see how these emotions were created and then why they can be so dangerous. I think you’ll be shocked at where this video ends; however, that’s the entire point! Sometimes situations and trade results are so dangerous because they arise from odd areas!
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Trading and Investing: Online Broker vs. Phone App (what’s best?)
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
When I first got started in day trading and investing, there were no such choices as apps to download onto your smart phone. If I step back and put myself into a beginner’s shoes who is brand new to the financial markets, I could see myself being a bit confused between an online trading broker and an app for my phone. The good news is, they are one in the same! The proper wording and terminology would be: An online trading broker offers their customers not only a platform for their PC, tablet, etc. to trade and invest into stocks, but also an app that can be downloaded onto their phone to do the same. In other words, there is no choice that needs to be made between the two tools. The wording can get confusing but they both do the exact same thing. If you are someone who is more visual, let me walk you through these two trading and investing tools that exist thanks to the wonderful world of technology!
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
The Best Way To Practice Day Trading [Totally FREE]
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
If you want to be good at anything in life, we all know you will need to practice. The key is finding the best method of practice possible. The added bonus to this strategy is finding a method that allows you to get this best practice for free. This is exactly what I want to share with you in this video. I want to show you the strategy I would use to get the best day trading practice possible. The following may sound a bit too good to be true, but it’s not. Not only is this method I will show you free, the method will also pay you to use it! How cool is that? I will also go into the details of why this strategy allows for the best practice possible. I know there are many ways of practicing and, sure, they do have their values in different forms; however, the most practical and powerful method of practice is clear (and I’ll prove it to you). If you want to make consistent money as a day trader online, you will need to dedicate yourself and work hard. A large part of this hard work is to practice wisely and in the best ways possible. If you are a beginner and just getting started in the world of day trading, let me share with you what I wish I would have known when getting started. Time to use the method that is not only free, but it will pay you to give yourself the best day day practice available!
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Want to Start Trading Options? Here’s Step 1
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
So you are brand new to options trading, but want to start trading options? Perfect! This video is for you! Let me be very clear, if you think Step 1 to trading options is picking out an online broker or phone app, you would be severely mistaken! Yes, those tools are needed to be able to buy and sell options online; however, they are not even close to being Step 1 in the process of trading options. Before anything else, you first need to understand the absolute bare bone basics of what an option is. There is an important relationship that options have within the context of the overall stock market, and in order for options trading to make any sense at all, you’ll need to have a full awareness and understanding of this relationship. The good news is, there is nothing complicated here and you’ll probably leave the video saying, “that’s it?”. I hope you take comfort in this though as it’ll prove that options trading is not nearly as complicated as you may believe. When I was a beginner and just getting started, I avoided options trading for the longest time because of a false idea that they were too advanced and complicated. I don’t want you to suffer from the same mental hurdle that I did! I want to prove to you upfront that the foundation from which all options trading is built upon is a very simple idea. Sure, the term used to describe them is a bit intimidating, but when you look at the term in the right way, you’ll see it is nothing to be intimated about! Let’s get to it and start your options trading journey with Step 1!
Monday Apr 04, 2022
This is How Inflation is SO Vicious
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Inflation has been the hottest topic in the mainstream headlines for the past few months, and rightfully so. Over the course of history, oftentimes this economic term gets buried in the textbooks and is forgotten about without the slightest thought. In our current economic environment, inflation continues to flex its muscles and show how vicious it is. Just last week we had the March Jobs Report released with many news organizations proclaiming the wage growth to be “strong”. While I can’t disagree with the media due to a lie, there does need to be a bit of context added into the situation when using the word “strong”. The fact of the matter is assuming you care about the “real world” and “practical” outcomes of your personal finances and wealth building goals, then wage growth has been weak, not strong. How can I say this when many of the media organizations are proclaiming it was a strong jobs report? Easy! Let me show you how a very basic understanding of economics can give you insight into a very practical way of viewing the world. I get it. In many ways, economics textbooks are just “theory” and have very little real world value; however, this is one of the areas of economics that can (and should) be applied directly to your own wealth building plans and goals!
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
What is Opportunity Cost?
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
The concept of “opportunity cost” is one of the most valuable tools a person can use in their life. I understand that in many cases, the thing we learn about in school and textbooks can seem totally useless. Throw in words such as “I learned about it in my economics class” and people’s eyes really begin to glaze over. I personally love the topic of economics; however, I can fully understand and respect your perspective of potentially finding it insanely boring. All I ask is that you take one simple principle from the world of economics and apply it to your life: opportunity cost. It’s a very easy concept to understand and extremely powerful when you apply it to your life. One of the most valuable assets we have as humans is “time” itself. Those who learn how to use their time the best are those who will find success. When you understand how opportunity cost works in a real world way, you’ll quickly find yourself starting to manage your time better. How does opportunity cost work? What is opportunity cost conveying to us? I discuss that and more in this quick, but powerful, video!
Friday Mar 18, 2022
The Poor and Middle Class MUST Know About This
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
The Federal Reserve just revealed some really bad news. You may be thinking I am referring to them raising interest rates, but no.. that’s not what I am referring to. Within the details of the interest rate hike meeting, there was a little quote that stood out like an explosion of thunder. In all actuality, the quote revolved around one key word... and unfortunately, the key word was not present in the sentence. Because of this, you need to be prepared for the future and how you go about planning and strategizing with your personal finances and wealth building goals. Please realize I am not trying to discourage you or imply everyone is screwed. That’s not my intent. With that being said, I’m also here to give you the “it is what it is” facts so that you can be best prepared to deal with them. I assume if you are watching my videos you are an ambitious person who wants to take full control over their personal finances. Let me help you better equip yourself for the times ahead so you can continue to make the best choices for your personal strategy. This is not good news, but it is the accurate news, so let’s just do what we need to in order to make it work!
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
We Are Being Lied To
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Believe it or not, the governmental institutions are not being very honest with us. Shocking, isn’t it??? In this situation, the claim is being made that the USA has a “very strong” economy. Is this claim, actually, true? No! The USA does not have a strong economy and the government’s actions prove out why this is the case. What someone “says” verses what they “do” is the key test. Unfortunately, the powers-that-be are saying certain things and then doing the total opposite. This is not a political video, but rather, an economics video geared towards helping you understand some basic ideas in economics that will allow you to think more freely for yourself. Thinking freely because you understand “how things actually” work is a great way to expose when you are being lied to.