Friday Jul 01, 2022
What is the Strawman Fallacy?
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
If you want to have a productive conversation with another person, both people should do their best to avoid the Strawman Fallacy. What is the Strawman Fallacy? This is what I want to discuss in the video and explain why it is so easy to do. Given the ease at which it can be used within a conversation or expression of an opinion, it happens all the time. When you look at how the Strawman Fallacy works from a psychology standpoint, it makes perfect sense and is very logical. With that being said, just because something may make sense and be logical, does not mean it will lead to the intended results of a productive and fruitful conversation. If we as humans are going to come up with solutions, we need to be able to talk with those who may disagree with us. However, we need to take this even one step further. Not only do we need to be able to talk with them, we need to be able to productively talk with them! Let me help you understand what the Strawman Fallacy is so you can avoid it in your future conversations and help you to avoid wasting your time.
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
More Proof “How To Trade” Books Don’t Work
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
This is an important trading topic that I’ve talked about several times on the channel. In the spirit of investing our time as wisely as possible and being efficient in your quest to learn how to trade, please realize that “how to trade” books don’t work! In this video I have additional proof that arose in an unexpected way thanks to a viewer’s courage. I want to show you this proof and then offer up a bit more context behind it. Specifically, I want to use some real life information on why using books don’t work, but then also offer you a much better solution. The great news is, there are so many free resources out there that will allow you to learn how to trade in much better fashion compared to a book. At the end of the day, I know it seems logical to just hop into a book and start reading, but when it comes to the markets things are a bit different! Let’s take a look at this proof and then how you can approach learning how to trade in a much more efficient way!
Monday Jun 27, 2022
They Think We’re S-T-U-P-I-D… (please share this!)
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
I’m sick and tired of being treated like I’m the stupidest person. This elitist class looks down from their high perches and genuinely believes we are idiots. I’m here to show you how we can all hold them accountable for their actions. As you’re about to see, what they “say” is the exact opposite of what they “do”. The most ironic (and insulting) part about this all is they know the information they are lying about is public information. It’s not like they “say” one thing and then get caught. No, this is them knowing the information is public yet still thinking we are too stupid. If there are ever going to be any changes, it all starts with being aware of how this separate elitist class operates and constantly lies to us.
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Inflation vs. Prices - There’s a Difference!
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Inflation has become a very tricky subject to discuss with others due to, quite literally, the English language changing the definition. Why the definition was changed, I don’t know (but I do some some theories on!), but the fact of the matter is the new definition of inflation is completely wrong. In order to understand the problem of inflation, you need to separate out the two terms of “inflation” and “price”. While I understand the mainstream media says that “inflation is the increase in price of goods and services”, that is wrong. This may not seem like it matters much. In fact, I understand if you think I’m just arguing over arbitrary semantics; however, these two terms do matter if you want to understand the problem to solve the problem. I will show you how the current definition of inflation logically makes no sense when talking about the topic of solving inflation. When it comes to being a wise manager of your finances and building passive income, becoming knowledgeable in these areas is only going to help you achieve your goals. If you are sick and tired of higher and higher prices, well you need to look at inflation as one of the primary drivers of this problem. Let me show you how this all works (and no worries, it’s EASY to understand!)
Friday Jun 10, 2022
This Recession Indicator Rules Them ALL!
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
The headlines are filled with chatter of recession and whether the economy will face this event or not. Other headlines are filled with chatter of not “if” a recession happens, but how bad will the recession be? When you understand the data and facts, in my opinion, anyone thinking the Federal Reserve can orchestrate a soft landing is living in a world filled with unicorns and marshmallow rainbows! I will be the first to admit that there is tons of data being thrown around, making for a quickly overwhelming environment. This is why I want to share with you the one indicator that cuts through all the media hype and opinions. It cuts through what the government and federal reserve is telling us. In fact, I would argue this recession indicator acts as a lie detector test in regard to whether or not what we are being told will happen, actually does happen. If you are like me (which I’m assuming you are), then you care about these economic dynamics as they can help position you in the wisest way possible to create opportunity for yourself. We are all striving to be good stewards of our finances and wealth, so let’s follow the data that will give us the clearest insight into the current financial times!
Monday Jun 06, 2022
New Data Shows How to “Get” (NOT “look”) Rich
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Bloomberg finance just released a survey and all I can say is, “Wow! Sad!”. The data the survey provides, while sad, is extremely insightful in helping to explain this highlight reel of social media society we live in. In fact, I would argue this survey provides motivation to those of you who find yourself looking around and thinking, “how is that person able to do that?!?!” When it comes to getting rich, you essentially have two pathways you can choose to pursue. One is actually getting rich, the other is looking like you are rich. If you are the person who is choosing to actually get rich, well then, good for you and this data is going to keep you motivated to continue on the path you are grinding along! In some ways, the data from this survey is hard to believe is real; however, on the other hand, it makes total sense why the data shows what it does. For those of you who are looking to get rich and build wealth, this video will both shock you while motivating you at the same time. Keep at it! Keep grinding!
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
A Quick Trick to Get Started Finding Stock Investments
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Your time is very valuable. When it coms to finding good stocks to buy for investing and building wealth, the last outcome you want is a waste of time. Let me be clear, there is no such thing as a guarantee within the stock market; however, there are choices you can make that help put the odds in your favor that you are making a good decision with your money. I want to share with you a trick quick to get you started in finding stock investments. By using the broker I show you in the video, you’ll be able to quickly scan the markets for certain types of activity that give you a better insight into how well (or poorly) a company is actually doing. In my mind, it is rationale to think that if you can get a “behind-the-scenes” look into a company, you should! No worries though! None of what I talk about is gaining insider information or anything illegal. Given the nature of the rules and regulations, you are free to locate this powerful information and utilize it however you see fit. My favorite part about this trick is how simple it is (with the right tools of course, all of which are free), yet how insightful the information is that it grants you access to. Let me show you a great way to get started in your research for making your next stock investment!
Wednesday May 25, 2022
This Graph Guarantees a Painful Recession… (maybe Depression?)
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
It amazes me how the mainstream financial media overlooks such basic graphs that illustrate such powerful topics of consideration. Unfortunately, the graph I will show you in this video guarantees a painful recession (if not a depression!). Oftentimes the best predictor of the future is looking backwards into history. I realize that past history does not guarantee future results; however, when you consider the context of the last time in history a balance sheet reduction occurred and combine that with the current state of affairs… uh oh! I don’t mean to be so pessimistic, but it’s hard to be positive when all the data is staring you in the face screaming, “be ready for pain!”. You don’t need to be an economist to analyze this graph and see all the red flags it presents to our current economic conditions. Inflation is a massive problem and needs to be fixed. Will the federal reserve do what it promises to do? This graph suggests, if they do… it’s gonna be painful!
Monday May 23, 2022
What is Financial Equity? (Money Basics)
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
The term “equity” is thrown around in various ways, but in this video, I will be talking about “equity” from a financial perspective. When I was new to the world of money basics and wealth building, I was constantly hearing the term of “equity” being thrown around. In hindsight, it’s quite embarrassing knowing how simple it is to understand, yet, how intimated I was of it. In other words, please don’t think you need some kind of college degree in business finance or mathematics in order to understand how financial equity works. All you will need is two basic numbers and an understanding of how to do subtraction. If you know how to use a calculator and do subtraction, you will know how to figure out the financial equity of your situation. Depending on your personal goals within the world of wealth building and money, equity is a topic you’ll want to have a full understanding of. There are many hotly debated topics surrounding it, but before you can form your own opinion on it, it would be wise to know what it is, right? Let me walk you quickly through what financial equity is and how you can quickly figure it out!
Wednesday May 18, 2022
A Recession is Coming (Here’s How I Know!)
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
I know what the mainstream financial media is telling you. There is a “chance” of a recession hitting the USA economy, but, “odds are” a recession won’t happen. This is a total lie and a huge misrepresentation of some basic facts. When you understand how the bond markets work (at a very simplistic level) and then factor in what the Federal Reserve says it will do with its balance sheet reduction (”quantitative tightening”), there is an extremely likely chance a recession happens. The cherry on top of this theory is using some recent history in regards to the last time the Federal Reserve attempted reducing the balance sheet. The statistic I came across I didn’t even realize was a data point, but wow... knowing it is... goodness! I’m planning for a recession and while I’m not here to give financial advice, all I can say is, you might want to consider some recession planning. The system is a mess and the only way to clean it up is through some massive pain, which will come in the form of a recession!