Friday Aug 05, 2022
How to Survive (and Thrive) as a Day Trader
Friday Aug 05, 2022
Friday Aug 05, 2022
If you want to be a successful day trader, one of the biggest lessons you can learn is the importance of not making money, but rather, protecting it. When your main goal of any day trading strategy is to “survive”, you know you are building upon a rock solid foundation. Truly stop and think about it. Can you make money (”thrive”) if you don’t have any money to use? Of course not. In fact, that’s a silly question on my part; however, it is a concept that many traders forget and/or struggle with. Those of us who are traders are passionate and ambitious people by nature. We want to fight and succeed in whatever we are doing! The thought of “taking a loss” is not wired into our DNA as ambitious people. Yes, this attitude is amazing and required in the vast areas of life, but when it comes to being a successful day trader, you need to be willing to take a loss. Taking the loss on a trade gives you the ultimate ability to stay in the game. The longer you are able to stay in the game, the higher and higher your chances go of nailing that next big winner (which can wipe away those small controlled “survival” losing trades). Let me walk you through this general idea by showing you some of my personal day trading results I was able to capture on video. Let’s go!
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
$HKD and The Truth About Short Squeeze Stocks
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
I’m sure you’ve seen stock ticker symbol $HKD somewhere! I mean, we gotta give credit where credit is due, the stock has gone bonkers! Even from when I recorded this video, the stock continued to sky rocket and go crazy. For you beginner traders out there who are just getting started, $HKD is what is known as a short squeeze stock. These stocks can quickly become popular across social media and sites such as Reddit due to their explosive nature and price movements; however, there’s way more than what meets the eyes. When I was just getting started as a day trader, I would have simply looked at the percentage gain the stock has moved and thought, “Oh wow! This is crazy!”, but the more I’ve learned over the decades, the more I now know this is a way too simplistic viewpoint. What do I mean? In the world of short squeeze stocks, there are two worlds. There is the surface deep “how much it went up” world, which is not very useful. And then there is the “what was the risk involved trying to make money from the short squeeze event?” world, and this is the world that matters. Let me explain how and why in this video!
Monday Aug 01, 2022
The Best Recession Signal in History?
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
There has been lots of talk in the news recently about the definition of a recession and whether or not the USA economy is officially in one. As the opinions and arguments fly around from every direction you look, in my opinion, there is a single signal out there that reveals the recession status of the economy. This statistic becomes that much more powerful when you consider the, literal, addiction surrounding it. Sometimes the answers to apparently complex issues can be solved by just using a little bit of common sense and data that everyone can relate to. This is what I’m going to do in this video. If you are someone who has common sense and can relate to how powerful and beneficial a smartphone is, then I’m confident you’ll be able to connect the same dots I do. I know the people with their PHD’s in economics don’t want to admit that such simple pieces of data can be so revealing, but that’s the truth of the matter. Let’s keep the economic analysis simple and figure out what the true status of the economy actually is.
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Day Trader Tips: Learn From Loses? (nope! here’s why…)
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
There’s an old adage for day traders stating “there are no loses, only learning”. While I understand the attitude behind the adage, can you actually learn from losing trades? Nope! I know this goes against what many others say, but let me give you a real life example of how trying to learn from loses can (and will) create more headaches for yourself. As a beginner day trader you are in knowledge consumption mode and constantly trying to learn. Any time there is a losing trade it leads you to the conclusion that you must have done something wrong, therefore, there’s a learning lesson to take away from the trade. You can spend hours going back over trades and analyzing every angle of them. Who knows, maybe you have a trade journal where you document all aspects of the trade and then pick over the journal with a fine tooth comb looking for “improvements” and “what went wrong”. As I mentioned, I totally understand this mentality and it’s certainly coming from a place of ambition and wanting to master the skill. With that being said, as I’ll show you in the video, this ambition will ultimately lead to way more pains than actual solutions. Let me show you what I mean!
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
How WeBull Broker/App Keeps Getting Better and Better
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
If you want to buy and sell stocks, options, and crypto, you’ll need an online broker (same this as an “app”). When you are a beginner to the stock market and world of cryptocurrency, I know how overwhelming it can be. There are so many choices of brokers and platforms. I know Robinhood is a popular broker; however, I have never recommend them as their only quality characteristic seems to be in their marketing department. They are great at getting people to sign up for the broker, but their platform itself leaves a lot to be desired! This is why I’ve always recommended WeBull. They may not be as well known as Robinhood; however, when you consider all the additional features they give you compared to Robinhood, it’s not even close. In fact, just recently they came up with a new version of their platform which added in that many more features, particularly in regards to the platform’s scanning ability. Scanning is very important for us as traders as it allows us to quickly find trading set-ups that fit our rules and strategy. Time is money and when you can more efficiently find what you’re looking for, that’s a win. Oh.. and the best part is, these scans are not only free but you get paid (via free stock) to sign up for their platform if you use this link: https://a.webull.com/i/ClayTrader
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Is the Fed Fighting Inflation? Kind Of
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Is the Federal Reserve and Jerome Powell actually fighting inflation like they keep telling the public they will? Kind of… thanks to some new data that is publicly available to us all, we can track their movements and see just how serious they, actually, are about what they tell us in the headlines. As of now, their actions are not really matching their words. Let me share with you this economic data via a simple line chart that illustrates exactly what I mean.
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Car Shopping? Do THIS 1 Step for Lower Prices
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Car shopping can be a quest a person absolutely loves embarking on, or like me, a journey someone dreads. Whether you enjoy the challenge of car shopping or hate it, the one common ground I assume is both types of people want the best deal possible. I’ve never met a person who does not enjoy lower prices! There has been new car market data arriving that suggests if you do this one step, you will be able to give yourself an opportunity at lower car prices. The best part is, this “step” is super anti-climatic and will potentially cause you to accuse me of offering a clickbait video. All I ask is that you give me a chance to explain so you can understand why the solution to giving yourself lower prices is so straight forward and simple! A car purchase is, obviously, one of the bigger amounts of money you’ll spend so from a money management and wealth building standpoint, I would hope we can all agree we need to be as smart about it as possible. The markets are always changing and there is no way I could give this advice several months ago; however, at this point in time within the car market, doing one simple step will save you a whole lot of money. What is this step? What in the market is changing to create this opportunity for us as buyer shoppers? I go into that and more within the video!
Friday Jul 15, 2022
How Do Gas Stations (actually) Make Money?
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
President Biden recently blamed the gas stations for playing a role in higher has prices, which peaked my curiosity. I quickly realized that I was pretty ignorant in regards to how gas stations work and make money from the business point of view. I try my best not to be a puppet and blindly follow people’s claims, so I decided to do a bit of research and learning into how gas stations make money. I’ve always been one of these people who drive by a gas station and think, “Dang! I should try to open a gas station, they are raking in that cash!”. I can now officially say my viewpoint was totally ignorant. Gas stations are a very bizarre business entity when you dig into the numbers and see how they all break down. I wanted to share with you what I learned. If you are like me, and prefer to not blindly follow, then give this video a watch and do some additional research! Don’t blindly follow me either, but I hope this video gets you off to a good start in learning more about this topic if you find interest in it. Personally, after learning how ignorant I was towards it, I hope you do decide to learn a bit more as it is highly relevant in today’s environment of high inflation and gas stations. There is a whole lot of blame being thrown around as I’m sure you know. With all that being said, is it the gas stations who are at fault for these higher gasoline prices? Could they significantly reduce the prices at the pump if they chose? Let’s do some learning…
Monday Jul 11, 2022
What is the Red Herring Fallacy?
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
If you want to have a worthwhile conversation, both people should do their best to avoid throwing out and using the Red Herring Fallacy. What is the Red Herring Fallacy? This is what I want to discuss in the video and explain why it is a massive distraction in regards to achieving productivity within the discussion. When people are distracted from the main talking point and claims being made, it tends to cause the discussion to go way off course. When this happens, the main claim is either not addressed or addressed in a very surface deep way that does not, actually, provide any true solutions or agreement. In the example I use in the video, you’ll see the Red Herring Fallacy is produced from a place of emotion. When emotion is interjected into a discussion, it’s like the gasoline that ignites the explosion of going “off topic”. Therein lies the problem though, it can “feel like” you’re still on topic, but you’re not! Instead of trying to further explain it, let me just use a real world example that is from my social media! Avoid the Red Herring!
Friday Jul 08, 2022
False Frustration as a Day Trader
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Being a day trader can be a wonderful way of making money online; however, it also can come with a roller coaster of emotions. In fact, the emotional element of day trading is what makes the skill the hardest to master and be consistent at. Don’t get me wrong, you need to be able to analyze technical charts and structure valid trade plans, but these can quickly fall apart when the emotional feelings show up! Given we are humans emotions will always be involved in our day trading (or swing trading), so the focus needs to be shifted to understanding our emotions as best as possible. One common emotion we all face is frustration. In many situations, the frustration is valid and deserved because we know we’ve done something wrong/stupid as a trader. On the other hand, there are certain situations that produce a false sense of frustration leading to beating yourself up when there’s no need to. What would be an example of a situation that leads to producing false frustration? Let me show you a real life trade I made (all caught on video, live) which illustrates just how sneaky the emotion of (false) frustration can arise. After watching this video you’ll be able to identify those false frustration moments much easier within your trading and have a much better chance of continuing to succeed! Let’s get to it!