Friday Sep 30, 2022
Down Goes England! Is the USA Next???
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Has it begun? I’ve been talking about the potential for some very big problems here in the USA. What just happened here in England may be the leading indicator for the rest of the world. Lots of central banks are talking tough in regards to fighting inflation, but inflation is a mighty foe who just knocked England’s teeth out. I don’t want to be overly dramatic as there are a few differences here and there between the USA and England; however, there are also several similarities. England clearly underestimated how nasty of a virus inflation is and is now down on the mat. Will the USA be next? What happened in England and how does it serve as a warning for all of us in the USA and around the world? Let’s talk about it…
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Day Trader 101: Identifying Emotional Triggers
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Emotion is a huge part in being a day trader. Even if you consider yourself someone who is not very emotional, I assure you, day trading will bring out your emotions! Emotions showing up do not make you a bad day trader. This is a common misconception within the 101 topics of “how to be a day trader”. There is a narrative that exists which suggests being emotional is a bad thing. To be fair, maybe I’m knit picking, but feeling emotional is not the problem. Acting on the emotions is where the line is crossed and becomes a huge problem. The best way to avoid acting on your emotions is to develop the skill of recognizing when the emotions have shown up. Better yet, if you can figure out those triggers that will send emotions into motion, you’ll put yourself in an even better position. A skill I would argue is one of the most important you need to learn as a day trader is the ability to identify emotional triggers. When you can be pro-active against acting on your emotions, you will be able to shield yourself against doing those “dumb things” we all will do as traders. There is no Holy Grail day trading strategy which guarantees results; however, there are moves you can develop to assist with your odds of success. Emotional trigger identification is something you should constantly be on the look out for and analyzing. The better you get to know your own human mind, the better chances you have of developing and staying a consistently profitable trader.
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Trading 101: You Are Wasting Your Time (unless you do this…)
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
When you are a beginner day trader and just getting started, it is very easy to waste your time by making choices that hinder your growth as a trader. The problem is, when you’re new and you don’t know what you don’t know, this includes not knowing what these choices are. I state the obvious when I say that no one wants to waste their time, however, in the world of day trading as a beginner, it is an extremely easy thing to do. The good news is, there are some situations where if you do tiny little things, it makes a huge amount of a difference. That’s what I want to show you in this video. I want you to show you a small choice you can make that will have an huge outsized gain in protecting you against wasting your time. This is a mistake I see beginner day traders make over and over again. The results are always the same: a waste of time and building of bad habits. Let me walk you through a quick little choice you can make that will ensure you approach learning how to day trader in a smart way that does not waste time!
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Stagflation: Has It Started?
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
We have some news hot off the press from shipping company Fedex and it fires a massive warning shot! To be fair, maybe this is going to be an outlier decision; however, it very well could be the start of a whole new trend. The problem is, this trend is going to make a rough situation (slowing economy) even rougher by creating even higher prices. Moving forward, I would encourage you to take note of how companies are addressing these concerns of a slowing economy. It seems a bit backwards of how they are choosing to address the issues, but that’s exactly why stagflation is such a nasty bug within an economy. Has stagflation started? We’ll have to see if more companies choose the path of Fedex. Let me know if the comment section if you have seen any other companies making similar choices.
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Cathie Wood… Please… Just STOP!
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Lots of people don’t like those from Wall Street. I can understand why this is the case. The more these Wall Street people talk, the more it shows how they are so disconnected from all of us on Main Street. Cathie Wood, for whatever reason, still receives quite a bit of press from the financial media and just shared some revealing thoughts. She is complain about the Federal Reserve and the choices they are making. I don’t have any problem with this as a free thinking society is a good thing. However, when you consider the reasoning she uses and the data she cites, it’s a massively blind view. To be fair, she has motives that would cause her to believe what she does, but when you say the quiet part out loud, it completely shows how tone deaf you are to the everyday normal person. For her sake, I really do wish Cathie Wood would just STOP talking and revealing how she views the common people in our country as mere peasants….
Monday Sep 19, 2022
“Victim Mentality” Nonsense (debunked!)
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
It makes me sick when people create the false narrative of a “victim mentality” to gain points with some people in the spirit of looking compassionate. In many cases, as you’ll see in this video, the narrative is filled with half truths; however, when you take the process one step further (an easy step!), you’ll find a solution. These are the things that help me understand why some people seem to be chasing their own tail. If you are going to surround yourself with people on social media who post the nonsense you’re about to see, then it makes perfect sense why you believe the system is rigged against you and that you can’t get ahead. Let’s do some focusing on the solution, and not the (false) problem
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Day Trader 101: The Nightmare Scenario
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
I don’t care how good of a day trader you are. I don’t care if you’re a beginner day trader who is just getting started, or if you’ve been trading for 20 years. You can be the most disciplined trader and have all the confidence in in the world; however, when a nightmare scenario shows up, it’s going to be a pain! To be fair, I don’t want to be overly dramatic. When I say “pain”, I don’t mean “blow up your account and be forced to live under a bridge”. In this case, the “pain” is in regards to maximizing your annoyance levels which presents a whole new potential can of worms. I can only speak for myself, but as a day trader (and human being), when I get extremely annoyed with my trading results, I tend to be tempted to behave in ways that are counterproductive to my, actual, day trading strategy. These types of behaviors of course lead to maximum pain and even greater loses of our capital. The one fact we all need to remember as day traders is this: nightmare scenarios happen and they’re unavoidable. There’s no need to panic when they do. There’s no need to second guess yourself or your trading strategy. Keep your confidence and keep the perspective that these scenarios do not happen on a routine basis. Let me show you a nightmare scenario and how it’s so difficult to maneuver for the trader who is disciplined and focused on honoring their rules. Let’s go!
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Can You Day Trade With a Full Time Job?
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
A very common question amongst those people considering learning more about day trading is whether it can be done if you have a full time job. This is a great question to be wondering. From a time management point of view, it would be a total waste to learn a skill that you can not put to use due to a full time job. One of the great benefits of learning how to day trade is the flexibility it gives you within your schedule. Obviously I can not speak to your personal situation and schedule; however, what I can do is walk you through some general scenarios and show you a few examples that’ll assist you in making this determination. In fact, I will use a personal day trading result from my own trading to help illustrate the thought process and considerations that will need to take place on your end. Can you day trade with a full time job? Let’s walk through the process so you can be best prepared on applying this question to your own situation and setting yourself up for realistic expectations in your, potential, day trading journey!
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Stop Using the 2008 Bailouts in Your Argument (here’s why)
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Context matters. The 2008 financial bailouts for the big banks and automobile industry and been coming up more and more recently when it comes to the student loan forgiveness debate. Let me be very clear and fair. I totally understand “why” people would use the 2008 bailouts within their argument as (on the surface) it makes total sense. You can not accuse anyone of using the 2008 bailouts to defend student loan forgiveness as being irrational or totally emotional. With all that said, we do also need to dig just a big beyond the surface of the argument to realize it’s NOT a good argument. In fact, it is actually helping disprove the very point attempted to be made. Let’s look at some facts and history to see why 2008 finds itself a totally false way to go about arguing that students should also be bailed out from their loans.
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
How to Get Started with 12 Free Stocks
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
I wanted to take some time and do a quick public service announcement. Whether you are a beginner trader who is wondering how to get started, or, you’re a veteran trader but simply like free stuff (haha!), this video is for you! For you beginner traders, in order to buy and sell stocks, options, cryptocurrency, you will need what is called an “online broker”. A key part of an online broker is the “platform” they provide to you. This platform is what will give you the data you need to help you in your decision making process of when to buy and when to sell. Another hugely important aspect of a broker’s platform is this: does it give you the ability to practice trading without using real money? (known as “paper trading”, “demo trading”, “simulator trading”). The broker and platform I talk about in this video does all of these, and more! On top of this, if you use this link https://a.webull.com/i/ClayTrader you will be given up to 12 free stocks (but at least a minimum of six). If you are not a new trader who is just getting started, then hey… why not throw a few free stocks into your portfolio? Seems like a solid risk vs. reward to me! Get signed up today!