Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Can Day Trading Make You Rich?
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Have you been cruising around social media and seeing all kinds of images and videos of day traders living the life? Exotic travels, fancy cars, and expensive watches are just the start of what I’m guessing you’ve seen. I’m guessing many of these things you’ve seen include a simple laptop and that’s all. The question boils down to this: can day trading make you rich? It’s a simple question, but a revealing one which gets to the crux of the concerns. I can totally respect and understand why you would ask such a direct question. Why waste your time learning a craft and a skill if it won’t be worth your time? With a time management viewpoint, I really appreciate where you are coming from! The answer to the question is simple; however, it does need a bit more explanation behind it. To answer the question, “can day trading make you rich?”, YES… it can. But, like I previously said, this “Yes” needs a bit more context and clarification, so let me explain!
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Meeting Trading Community Members in Arizona!
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
It was my great honor and privilege to meet face-to-fact with members of my private community (The Inner Circle) at claytrader.com. We have done several of these meet-ups over the years. This was our eighth event which took place in Arizona. I wanted to walk you through the event and give you a taste of what you can expect if you ever choose to attend one in the future. These are a great time where you surround yourself with other “market nerds” and can talk all the trading and investing you want. I don’t know about you, but in my “normal life”, if I were to mention a candlestick to someone, they’d wonder what candles have to do with anything! Or, in other situations, the person you are talking to eye’s begin to glaze over with boredom. The exact opposite is the case at these in person events. I truly had a great time and enjoyed hanging out with members from all over the country. Come along with me and get a glimpse of what our community is all about!
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
An Easy 1st Step for Passive Income
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
There is no more freeing a thing than making money for essentially doing nothing. In this case, all you have to do is make a decision. That’s all. No sweat or manual labor required. I’m not sure there is anything more easy than taking this simple step to enter into the world of passive income. When it comes to the type of online investing and trading account you should use, the broker I talk about in this video needs to be highly considered. If you’re looking for an easy way to get some extra cash given to you for letting your money “sit around”, then this brokerage needs to be considered. Get informed and start making some passive income!
Monday Mar 20, 2023
How to Get Lucky as a Day Trader
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Has it ever happened to you? Someone accuses you of only making money on a trade because you “got lucky”. Or (be honest!), have you looked at another trader and had the same thought: “well, they only made money on the trade due to to “luck” “. To be fair, there is “luck” involved within the world of online day trading. You do need to “get lucky” from time to time in order to make money. With that being said, when I say “luck” do I mean it in the sense of pure randomness? Nope! We all need luck on our sides as traders, but we also all need to know how to get lucky as a day trader. That’s what I want to focus on in this video. Not only will I break down the two mental components that need to be overcome, but I’ll also show you how this all works using some of my personal day trading stock results. Let’s get to it!
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Stop Being a Sucker! (ClayTrader Scam)
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Have you seen this ClayTrader scam? Have you been the target? If so, I really hope you weren’t a sucker! So please, stop being a sucker! I have yet another recent example of someone who fell for the scam. While I do feel bad for this person, there is a part of me that struggles to find any remorse due to the amount of greed involved. As a beginner, I understand you don’t know much of anything; however, this is not a “hall pass” to throw all logic to the wind. When you see these kinds of claims being presented to you, please allow your “don’t be a sucker” alarm bells to ring aloud in your mind. I hate to see people getting scammed like this, which is why I’m doing another video on it… but come on people! Stop being so greedy!
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Super Busy? You Can STILL be a Day Trader!
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Are you one of those people who is a hustler and grinder and you’re just straight up busy? I get it! If you’re anything like me, you love the challenge of building multiple streams of income to build wealth. While having multiple streams of income in your personal finances is extremely important, it does take time (at least at first). I can 100% understand how you would be interested in becoming a day trader, but now wondering if there’s enough time in the day to make it happen. I want to clear up a few common misunderstandings among beginners to the world of online trading. The good news is, these misunderstandings can be cleared up very quickly within a small video. If you are super busy, no worries! You can still be a day trader as long as you are aware of a few, basic, concepts I will tell you about (and prove with some real life examples) in this video!
Monday Mar 13, 2023
How Losing Money Will Make You Money as a Day Trader (Case Study)
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
I know the title sounds confusing. But here's the thing, it's the truth of how the markets work and what you'll need to do in order to find success as a day trader. As backwards as it sounds, in order to have success and make consistent money, over time, you need to lose money. The name of the game is risk management. If you refuse to manage risk because you are not willing to accept the fact you are wrong, then just avoid trading. You can not have an ego in this business. You need to be able to admit to being wrong and okay with losing money. When you do this, you'll notice good things start to happen from a big picture perspective. Instead of sitting here and trying to talk to you "in theory", how about I just show you some of my personal day trading results that illustrate exactly what I mean. Let's get to it!
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Day Trader Strategy: Can You Spot the Problem?!?!
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
I have a small little quiz for you regarding day trader strategies! Let’s see if you can spot the problem and in doing so give yourself confidence that you’re on the right path to success! I will say this, if you don’t see the problem and see nothing wrong with what this person has to say, then I would highly encourage you to tap the brakes on your current trading! I recently interacted with someone in the YouTube comment section of one of my videos and he said a variety of things; however, one of them stuck out like a sore thumb. Depending on how new you are to the world of day trading may not make it as much of a “sore thumb”, but that’s okay. In fact, if you fail the quiz there’s no shame in it! You simply will walk away realizing there are more concepts and ideas within the world of day trading you need to better understand. We all start out as beginners, so we can all relate to not having our minds properly wrapped around the important concepts we face. Maybe you think you’re not a beginner. My question to you would be, are you sure? Take a look at this quiz and let’s see if you’re as experienced in your understanding of day trading as what you think you are!
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Day Trader Definitions (and their problems)
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
As day traders I hope it’s obvious to you that we need valid strategies. What creates a strategies at a very fundamental level? Words. I realize at this point it may seem like I’m insulting your intelligence and stating the stupid obvious. However, this is where the problems arrive. While words are “by default” part of a day trading strategy, their definitions are the tricky part. I see it way too often. Beginner day traders tell me they have a strategy and they start throwing around cool sounding words. All it takes is a little bit of pressing on my part and their strategy collapses in on itself because of “empty” words. This video is coming from a comment I received on YouTube which sparks this entire idea about words and their actual definitions. Let me show you what I mean!
Monday Mar 06, 2023
5 Toxic Signs for Day Traders (that you’ll fail…)
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Let’s talk five toxic signs for day traders that will, ultimately, lead you to failing. These personality traits are pointed out by a Harvard career specialist. In other words, this person has seen a ton of data and can point out these common themes of toxic signs. I’ve been running the YouTube channel since 2013, so needless to say, that I’ve seen quite a few of the same exact toxic signs over my years coaching and working with other beginner traders. The good news is this, if you have some of these toxic signs within your personality, that’s okay. You just need to be honest with yourself and admit they’re there. By doing this, you’ll now be able to begin to work on and fix these problems before they cause you to spin out of control within your trading. The day traders that find the most success are the ones who are bluntly honest with themselves. Don’t let pride and ego get in the way. If you have any of these traits, acknowledge them so you can fix them! Let’s go!