Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
ClayTrader Mail: How to Guarantee Failure as a Trader
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
While the concept I talk about is nothing new, it is a rule that MUST BE FOLLOWED if you want any hope at all in long term success as a trader. It is hard to believe that someone took time out of their day to type up this accusation and then send it to me. The mind is a crazy place that can cause you to do crazy things, as you will witness here.
Friday Oct 28, 2016
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
The $100 Trading Challenge: How I Did It.
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
One trading challenge I have been asked to demonstrate many times is starting with a smaller amount of money and then growing it by trading the markets. I wanted to share my story of how I grew my trade account when I originally started with a very small amount of money.
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
ClayTrader Mail: How to Lose $81,000 Trading Stocks
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
I give this person a boatload of credit for sharing their story with me. Ideally, this real life example can save some new traders who want to start trading the massive headaches and mess-ups that can occur when you approach the stock market in a way that contains no plan.
Friday Oct 21, 2016
Trading 101: How to Choose a Broker
Friday Oct 21, 2016
Friday Oct 21, 2016
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
The Attitude of the Successful
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
What separates poor people from successful people? Their attitude. Maybe that sounds too simplistic, but in all actuality, it's 100% the fact of the matter. If you want to be a successful trader of the markets, then you better have an outlook on life that breeds motivation.
Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
ClayTrader Mail: Not Qualified to Teach?
Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
Many times we contradict ourselves without even knowing it. In most instances, this occurs without realizing what is going on, but nonetheless, as traders it is something we must be very aware of. According to this person, because I'm not telling people where to buy and sell, I should not be teaching... huh?
Friday Oct 14, 2016
Trading 101: What is "Bullish" / "Bearish"?
Friday Oct 14, 2016
Friday Oct 14, 2016
If you are anything l was when I first got interested in the markets, you were confused on why "bulls" and "bears" had anything to do with the markets. You hear people bring up these terms, but you just are not quite sure how they relate and fit into the market. Let's get all that cleared up in this introductory video.
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Trading 101: How to Get Started Trading
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
The first step to start trading is all mental. You need to set-up your expectations with what reality actually is. If you can start with this mindset of how to start to trade, you are putting yourself as a trader in a much more profitable place for long term success.
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
ClayTrader Mail: Trading Strategy Contradiction
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
The tricky part about trading the markets is you can have a vast understanding of many of the dynamics; however, even with that, the greed voices can still cause you to do some very contradictory things. As you will see in this YouTube comment, a trader is saying many things that make sense, but when it comes to boiling down their strategy, there is still a glaring issue.